Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Subjective Riqqah Essays
Subjective Riqqah Essays Subjective Riqqah Essay Subjective Riqqah Essay It is a large cabinet and mousetraps and blunted tools might be found there SQ: Is the closet mentioned in the poem used much? How do we know? Mans: it is not much. We know it by the words mousetraps and blunted tools SQ: Why will the twigs not grow in a closet? Mans: The twigs will not grow in a closet because there is no air, water and sunlight. SQ: What is the twig compared to in the second stanza? Mans: It is compared to a twisted nail in the second stanza SQ: What is poet message to the reader? Mans: The poet message is that we should care of flowers and other things which we use in our daily life Exercise Q: Find words of the opposite meanings in the poem Opposites Large Little Short Tall Below Above Few Many Staleness Freshness sharpened Blunted 7 Strengthen 8 Straight Twisted 9 still blowing Q: Find where these expressions are used in the poem. Explain the underline meanings It is only a little twig. Meaning: just, merely. And set it where the sun Meaning: plant it, place it Thrust hither , and thither Meaning: spread here and there. Clash one upon another. Meaning: collide with each other. Q: Pick out the statement, questions, commands, and exclamation 1. It is only a little twig. Mans: statement 2. Did you plan it? Mans: Question 3. Water it Mans: command 4. How fresh it is! Mans: Exclamation 5. It will grow in to a bush Mans: Statement 6. Throw it in to the closet Mans: Command 7. Threw it into the closet 8. Have you thrown into the closet? To stare architect Somebody whose job is to design buildings hurtle To move very quickly dismount To get off a horse IQ :What did the king do when he became angry with someone Mans: The King had thrown him in the palace dungeon. SQ: Why did the Kind compare Enigma Din to a parrot? Mans: Because Amazing used to repeat only one sentence Ever happens for our own good SQ: What made the King so angry before the great debate? Mans: The injury on kings finger made him angry. SQ: Explain the phrase out of sight out of mind? Mans: It mean that we remember only those things which remain often forget that is away from our sight. SQ: Why were the members of the hunting party relieved when at the river?
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Rise in Bed Bug Infestations
Rise in Bed Bug Infestations Question: Why Are Bed Bugs Making a Comeback? Answer: For centuries, bed bugs were a common pest wherever humans lived. According to Susan C. Jones, Assistant Professor of Entomology at Ohio State University, bed bugs traveled to North America with the colonists. From the 17th century until World War II, people slept with these bloodthirsty parasites biting them. Just after World War II, strong pesticides like DDT and chlordane came into widespread use. Bed bugs nearly disappeared completely over several decades of heavy pesticide use. Bed bug infestations were limited, and bed bugs were no longer considered a major pest. Eventually, these pesticides were proven harmful to peoples health and the environment. The U.S. banned DDT in 1972 when it was shown to contribute to the decline of birds like the bald eagle. A total ban on chlordane followed in 1988. Peoples attitudes about pesticides also changed. Knowing these chemicals could harm us, we lost our enthusiasm for fumigating every last bug in our homes. The pesticides used in homes today do a better job of targeting specific pest populations. Rather than spray a broad spectrum pesticide in their homes, people use chemical baits and traps to kill common pests, like ants or roaches. Since bed bugs feed only on blood, they arent attracted to these pest control baits. Just as broad spectrum pesticide use waned, cheap air travel allowed people to visit places where bed bugs still persisted. Bed bugs hadnt made headlines in years, and most travelers never considered the possibility of bringing bed bugs home. Stowaway bed bugs in luggage and clothing made their way to cities and towns where they had been eradicated decades ago. Bed bugs now infest numerous public places, where they can crawl onto clothing and hitchhike to your home. Hotels top the list of bed bug hideouts, but they may also be found in theaters, airplanes, subways, trains, buses, prisons, and dormitories. Your best guard against bed bugs is information. Know what they look like, and take appropriate steps to keep them from crossing your threshold.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
600 case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
600 - Case Study Example Often patients with ischemic stroke develop should be assessed for a wide variety of medical physiological symptoms. Recent literature suggests that one of the greatest predisposing factors to ischemic stroke often related to cardiac problems and diseases; which as a result give rise to characteristic neurological problems. Symptoms of ischemic stroke varied and attributed to many factors. As Feigin (2005) points out, one or more of the observed risk factors may increase the chances of development of the disease, for most patients, there is no sure sign that a stroke would occur. Subsequently, Bharucha et al, (1988) also claimed that the most common risk of stroke is family history and age. Other studies also suggests that other important predisposing risk factors to the disease include, patients with high blood pressure, which has since then been reported in 70% of medical patients, high level of cholesterol in blood, frequent cigarette smoking, diabetes mellitus, obesity, cardiovascular diseases in patients with history of occurrence of heart attack, vascular malformation and alcoholics. (American Heart Association, 2009) Equally, Sridharan, (1992) notes that acute stroke is a severe disease and as such 40% of the patients with stroke especially in acute stage often develop symptoms that are associated with speech difficulties or even difficulties in food swallowing experienced in varying degrees. George’s diagnosis revealed that he had speech related problems that could explain why his stroke would were at an acute stage and such fell into a coma. Despite these physical complications resulting from damage to brain tissue, other resulting complications cause by stroke include constipation, blood clot formation in the lower limbs, depression, pressure sore, swallowing disorders among others. Besides looking at the clinical symptoms characteristic of the disease, an examining doctor will look at the presence of predisposing risk factors of the disease
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Impact of the London City Airport Expansion on the Surrounding Essay
The Impact of the London City Airport Expansion on the Surrounding Property Values - Essay Example It is the only Airport located just two miles from the site of the 2012 Olympic Games and three miles from Canary Wharf. As part of the expansion programme for it departure lounge, London City Airport spent  £30 million (US$60 million) for the construction of four new aircraft parking stands (Bonnassies, 2008). Basically, the said expansion project was eventually completed back in May 2008. Reg Ward, the Chief Executive of the London Docklands Development Corporation (LDDC), was the first person who developed strategic ways on how to increase the operational efficiency of the airport back in 1981 (London City Airport Consultative Committee, 2009). It was in 1987 when the London City Airport was granted for route licences from the CAA before it was officially opened. One year after the airport was opened to the public, LDDC managed to handle as much as 133,000 passengers within its first year of operation (London City Airport Consultative Committee, 2009). The runway of the airport was only 1,080 metres in length with a glide slope of 7.5 degrees. Due to the limited space, LDDC managed to serve only a few numbers of small-size aircraft. Back then, LDDC was offering its runway only to De Havilland Canada Dash 7 and the smaller Dornier Do 228 which are commonly used for passenger services, freight, and other surveillance and military purposes (London City Airport Consulta tive Committee, 2009b). To provide its service to larger aircraft types, LDDC decided to expand its runway in 1989. In 1990, LDDC was able to handle as much as 230,000 passengers (London City Airport Consultative Committee, 2009). However, the number of passengers significantly decreased after the incidence of the Gulf War. It was only until 1993 when the airport managed to increase the number of passengers up to 245,000 (London City Airport Consultative Committee, 2009). During the same year, LDDC’s extended
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Explore How Black People Are Differently Treated by the Criminal Justice System Essay Example for Free
Explore How Black People Are Differently Treated by the Criminal Justice System Essay Racial prejudice is not unique to modern day society, it has been with us for a long time, this has been coupled with the belief that certain racial groups are less intelligent, or backward compared to white European stock, nowhere is this more true than in the criminal justice system. In 1869 Francis Galton published a book called Hereditary Genius this contained a chapter called The Comparative Worth of Different Races which considered that black Americans were genetically inferior to white Americans. Galton stated that blacks scored on average 15 IQ points below whites. (Coleman 1987) We can see that within the field of criminal justice, and with Galtons work considered that black people were bound to be treated differently due to a belief born out of misunderstanding of the nature of culture and individual personality differences, the hereditary argument has never been scientifically proved or disproved. The 1991 census showed that 5. 5% of the population were from an ethnic origin, with 1. 6% of these being black from an Afro-Caribbean background. It was reported that a higher amount of the ethnic minorities was of younger people than in the general population, and it can be seen that this alone could be a reason for the proportionately higher level of blacks in the criminal justice system , going on the grounds that in the indigenous population it is the younger generation, those aged 14-25 years that commit the vast majority of crime. Crime by ethnic minorities, and in particular young black males can also be seen to be a social situation, and may be a product of sheer logistics. Many new immigrant families move into what is perceived as a high crime area, particularly inner city areas, where housing may be cheaper and unemployment is higher than at a national level. These areas may receive more police attention than richer areas and therefore the new immigrant families come to the attention of the police more than those in more rural areas. xenophobia may also cause the police to over react when dealing with black families. A study by Goreman Coleman (1982) looking at personality and attitudes within the British police force, showed that the average police constable was indeed racist. They asked in the study for police officers to write a short essay, some of the comments were vigorously racist, comments such as, Certain members of the coloured population that l have met are OK but the majority of youths of the West Indian community are savage ignorant vicious thieving bastards , . most of them are just dirty , over 50% of trouble is caused by niggers , smelly backward people who will never change (Coleman 1987). In the last 10 years most public agencies, including the police force, have formed equal opportunities policies, these apply not only to recruitment but also to the way people are treated, and is especially needed in the criminal justice system where there are disproportionately more blacks than whites in the prison system in comparison to the size of the black population in society as a whole. It was reported in 1982 that black people made up 18% of the prison population, but only accounted for 5% of the general population. The figures are worse for Afro-Caribbean males, 1% of the population, but 11% of the prison population. (Home Office 1982). During the 1980s it became apparent that blacks were more likely to be stopped by the police. The British Crime Survey in 1988 found that 14% of Asians, 15% of whites, but 20% of Afro-Caribbeans reported being stopped by the police in the preceding year (Skogan 1990) The British Crime Survey also reported that there was some evidence that crimes detected by the police and those reported by the public seemed to have a racial bias. Blacks and Asians also complained more than whites about the way they were treated once arrested by the police (Skogan 1990). On the subject of arrest it seems also that blacks are treated differently in this process. A survey by the PSI (Policy Studies Institute) in 1983 found that blacks were disproportionately arrested, they found that 5% of the population of London were black, but 17% of those arrested in London were black. Further studies by Walker (1988) (1989) support these findings. Landau Nathan (1983) reported that there is evidence to suggest that blacks will be cautioned less than whites, a white youngster is four times more likely to receive a caution than a black juvenile. Also black juveniles are more likely to be remanded in custody than whit or Asian teenagers. Walker (1988) also showed that black juveniles are twice as likely to appear at crown court than whites. A Home Office Statistical Bulletin (1986) showed that blacks in prison were more likely to have less previous convictions than white men in similar circumstances, the figure for whites was 62%, Afro-Caribbeans 48% and for Asians 20%. The main finding from these and many other statistics is that black people are dealt with, whether as suspects, offenders or defendants, in a highly disproportionate way, it can also be seen that they are treated more harshly than their white counterparts at virtually every stage of the criminal justice process. It is therefore not surprising that black people have less faith in the police and criminal justice system than white British people. David Smith (1994) argues that the main group in society has a degree of power, seen to be unique and special in relation to religious, social and cultural traditions of the particular society, thus creating an unequal legal system that is biased against ethnic minorities. This can be seen to be the stem from which racial disparities may emerge in the British legal system and criminal process, and may explain why black people are treated differently by the criminal justice system. He (Smith) further argues that the law is a national institution and part of a national identity that is born out of centuries of tradition, and therefore unless changed does not take account of relatively recent immigration of ethnic minorities to this country. It can be argued that there are two main reasons for blacks being disproportionately represented in our criminal justice system, firstly that they commit more crime, and secondly that they are treated in a different and possibly harsher way, so as to be over represented in the criminal justice system. Research in the USA has shown that crime is in fact higher amongst blacks (Wilbanks 1987). This view has been criticised, for example by Reiner (1993) stating that to exclude external variables that effect such findings is almost impossible. Reiner (1989 1993) concluded that it is the way in which black people are treated differently from white people in our criminal justice system that created the disproportionate levels of minorities in the process, although he concedes that this is far from conclusive. Smith (1994) criticises Reiner for this view, believing that Reiner is contradicting himself, with little evidence, suggesting that it is treatment that cause high black representation in the criminal justice system, but stating that this may not be believed by some, and is in fact inconclusive. It is true that blacks are over represented in the criminal justice process, what is not clear is, why. Whether we like to think it or not there is still a great deal of racial prejudice in this country, and this alone feeds societies morals and thus its policing and criminal law, this prejudice and discrimination therefore makes it difficult for minorities to gain employment, especially in times of high unemployment and recession. This can lead to feelings of rejection, lack of self-esteem, poverty, lack of self-respect and insecurity. Blacks, as mentioned above, often live in the poorest areas of the cities and therefore come to the attention of the police far more than white youths, parents may also find it difficult to exercise control over their children in areas where social control is at its lowest. Whatever the reason for higher black crime, whether a statistical wrong, or innate criminality, for which there is little support, it is clear we will never get at the real reason that blacks are treated differently by the criminal justice system, too many people would have too much to lose by finding an answer. 1,407 words. REFERENCES. Coleman, A. (1987) Facts, Fallacies and Frauds in Psychology. London: Unwin Hyman. Galton, F. (1869) Hereditary Genius, an enquiry into its laws and consequences (2 ed. 1978) London: Friedmann. Coleman, A. Goreman, L.. (1982) Conservatism, Dogmatism, and authoritarianism in British police officers. Sociology, 16, 1-11. Landau, s. Nathan, g. (1983) Selecting Delinquents for Cautioning in the London Metropolitan Area. British Journal of Criminology. 23, (2): 128-48. Reiner, R. (1989) Chief Constables. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Reiner, R. (1993) Race, Crime Justice, Models of Interpretation. IN L, Gelsthorpe, W, McWilliam (Eds) Minority Ethnic Groups and the Criminal Justice System. Cambridge: Cambridge Institute of Criminology. Skogan, W. (1990) The Police and Public in England and Wales, A British Crime Survey Report. Home Office Research Study no: 117. London: HMSO. Smith, D. (1994) Race, Crime and Criminal Justice. IN Oxford Handbook of Criminology. Maguire, M. ; Morgan, R. Reiner, R. (Eds) Oxford: Claenden Press. Walker, M. (1988) The Court Disposal of Young Males by Race in London 1983. British Journal of Criminology: 28, (4) 441-59. Walker, M. (1989) The Court Disposal and remands of White, Afro-Caribbean and Asian Men(London 1983). British Journal of Criminology. 29. (4), 353-67. Wilbanks, W. (1987) The Myth of a Racist Criminal Justice System. USA: Brooks/Cole.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Essay --
Meningitis is defined as inflammation of the meninges, which are the thin membranous covering of the brain and spinal cord. There are different variations of the disease which include bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitic, and non-infectious. Bacterial meningitis is severe in most cases. Many people fully recover but for those who are less fortunate it may cause brain damage leading to learning disabilities and hearing loss. There are many different pathogens that cause bacterial meningitis. The most common here in the United States are Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, group B Streptococcus, Listeria monocytogenes, and Neisseria meningitidis. These bacteria can be transmitted through direct contact with the nose and throat secretions of an infected person. The main reservoirs for these bacteria are humans but can also be the environment, mainly from the soil. In order to determine if a person has bacterial meningitis blood and cerebrospinal fluid are collected and analyzed by a laboratory. Once it is confirmed that bacteria are present they are then cultured to determine what type of bacteria are present. This lets doctors know how to treat the disease. The discovery of meningitis dates back to the 1800’s. The first evidence that linked bacterial infection as a cause of meningitis was written by Austrian pathologist Anton Weichselbaum. He was the one to isolate the causative agent of cerebrospinal meningitis. He named this bacterium Diplococcus intracellularis meningitidis. The symptoms of bacterial meningitis can appear rapidly over several days. Normally they develop within 3-7 days after exposure to the bacteria. Signs and symptoms of bacterial meningitis can occur suddenly and they include: headac... ...ents. This puts you more at risk for expose to bacteria to the filth of others around you. Pregnancy can also be titled as a risk factor. You're at increased risk of contracting listeriosis which is an infection caused by listeria bacteria. This bacterium may also cause meningitis. If you have listeriosis, your unborn baby is also at high risk of catching meningitis. The last risk factor that I’m going to discuss is weakened immune systems. Some factors that may cause a weakened immune system are: AIDS, alcoholism, diabetes, and certain drugs. When these factors weaken the immune system your body cannot prevent infection. In fact it is very easy to contract meningitis with the above health issues. In conclusion meningitis is not something to take lightly. Stay vaccinated and take preventative actions because this disease is wide spread and can be fatal.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Learning Agreement Essay
Instructions: * There are 4 parts to a Learning Agreement. You must remember to complete every section since marks will be awarded for each section. Sections in a Learning Agreement Remarks Marks Allocated Objective(s) This is where you determine ‘What’ you want to learn from a particular department 15% Strategies The ‘Strategies’ is where you determine ‘How’ you are going to achieve your objective(s) or ‘where’ you are going to get the information required to fulfill your learning. 15% Assessor Comments You will have to submit this to your Manager(s) for their comments and signature & company stamp. (When submitting this to your manager(s), you need not show them the Students Reflections, just your objectives and strategies) 5% Student Reflections This is where you develop a report on your objective(s) – this is where you can also develop the learning outcomes. 65% * No part of this report may be reproduced, in any form or by any means. Work submitted based on any of the examples may be awarded no marks. AN EXAMPLE OF A LEARNING AGREEMENT Student Name : X Placement : Human Resource Department Assessor : Ms A Subject Area : Health and Safety Objective To learn and observe the health and safety regulation used in R Company for its employees Strategies for achieving the objective * Discuss with the Human Resource Manager regarding the safety procedures provided by R Company * Tour around the office to observe any hazardous condition and safety procedures implemented in R Company * Discuss with the staff on their opinion about safety in R Company Target date of completion : Y Verification by Assessor and Comments [This is where you get your Manager/Assessor to comment about your performance in the area identified above and get him/her to sign (& stamped).] Signature & Stamp _________________________________________________________ Student’s Reflections [This is where you write in detail about your objectives.] It is important that any company to provide a safe workplace for its employees. For many companies, safety is considered to be a very minor issue, but if one were to look at it closely, it plays a very important role to ensure a safe working environment. This is because a minor negligence in safety could lead to a major disaster. R Company being a company dealing with both local and foreign customers has to always take the effort to ensure that they provide safe and secure services to its customers. It is also necessary to provide enough safety for the employees working there. In my observation on the working condition in R Company, the safety here is awfully neglected. From my personally experience, I had injured my toe more than twice during my 5 months there. This is because all the files are allocated on the floor and due to the small walking space, it is easy for anyone to kick the files and causing injury. The first reason why the files are placed on the floor is because lack of space in the file cabinets. The second reason is because of the staff themselves, they place the files that they need on the floor around the desk. A condition such as this is hazardous to the employees because it will reduce that maneuverability in the company. The staff will have difficulty walking around and might injure themselves because of the files being placed on the floor. If in any case where there is fire, the employees will tend to rush out of the office. With the files placed on the floor, someone might trip and fall. Due to the rushing of all the employees, the victim might suffer major injuries and probably death. It is always important to keep all walk space clear of any obstacle and is wide enough for people to walk safely. This is to ensure that nobody would get trip and injure themselves while working or in an emergency case. The other thing that I observed in both branches of R Company in M City and N City is that they do not have a fire exit. The fire exit of N City branch is locked and blocked with boxes of old documents and brochures. I also noticed that they do not even have any fire extinguisher placed in the office. This shows that there are no proper safety procedures for the staff when there is an emergency situation. Fire escape routes are also not set and displayed in the office. Without these safety items in the office, it can be hazardous when there is a fire situation. The employees there do not know how to react during a fire, how to vacate the building during a fire and the knowledge of any fire fighting equipment placed in the premises. When I interviewed the Human Resource Manager regarding the practice of safety for the employees, I was shocked when he told me that this issue was never discussed. This is very disappointing because I believe many companies fail to see the importance to practice a safe workplace and concern about the welfare of its employees. Even though an emergency situation is unlikely to happen in a commercial office, it is very important that the staff know what to do when an emergency situation occurs. Firstly, it is important that the staff know how to react during a fire situation. This is because a fire accident could happen anytime without warning, therefore it is better to be prepared when it does happen. To be prepared for this, the fire escape route must be cleared. The management of the company should set up and display the emergency escape route all over the office. With this information displayed, the staff would know where to go during an emergency situation. The fire escape routes should also be cleared of any obstacles. This is to ensure an easy escape path and there are no difficulties using it. The office should also be equipped with fire extinguishers to combat any fire situations. This is because in most cases, a fire disaster can be avoided if it is dealt with immediately. With fire extinguishers placed around the office, a minor fire can be attended to before it gets out of hand. I noticed that in R Company there is no fire alarm system. It is important to install a fire alarm system to alert the staff in case of a fire situation because it could take just a few minutes for any fire to consume the whole building. Therefore it is best that all the employees are notified immediately by the fire alarm and able to vacate the premises as soon as possible. When all the facilities and procedures installed to combat a fire situation, it is also necessary to educate the employees on how to use them. A safety committee should be set up to continuously educate the employees on safety and how to react during an emergency situation. The committee is responsible to provide education to the employees on how to use the fire extinguisher, identify the different types of fire extinguishers available and which one is best to use in each type of fire cause. The committee can also conduct frequent audit of the workplace to ensure that all fire escape routes are not blocked and all fire extinguishers are easily accessible. By conducting audits, it is also possible to identify any fire hazard in the company and action could be taken before it turns into a disaster. R Company should also hold a fire drill twice a year to make sure that all employees know what to do if the fire alarm goes off. This is to avoid a panic situation which could cost lives. When the staff are educated with fire drills, they would know the correct procedure on how to vacate the building in an organized manner. The company should also provide training for a certain number of staff in First Aid. This is because if there is any accident that occurs in the workplace, the victim could be attended to immediately while waiting for the arrival of the ambulance. This is vital because in many cases, lives were lost because no immediate attention was given to them. This committee should also work closely with the fire department to learn any latest information regarding safety. They should also encourage frequent checking of the electrical wiring in the company because wires tend to wear off over the years. Even though the Tourism industry usually deals with tourists and giving them the best services available, it is also important to ensure that safety of the tourist. To do so it is best to start with the company. This is because without the concern of safety in the office, how it is expected that the safety of the customers can be guaranteed. Often many people overlooked the issue of safety in their working environment because it rarely happens, but bear in mind that accidents happen without a warning and it is always better to be prepared for it.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Design of Healthy Interior Environments
KDA 320 Healthy Interior Environments Content:Introduction.Identity the bing planes, stuffs and objects.Scheme.Solution.Reference List.Part 1: Introduction What is IAQ about? IAQ stands for Indoor Air Quality, which is a term to depict the distinctive feature of an indoor infinite and concern of the major wellness, safety and public assistance about the design of the infinite. Why Indoor Air Quality is of import?Most of our life, we spend the most clip inside a edifice. Harmonizing to GREENGUARD â€Å"Indoor Air is 2 to 5 Timess More Contaminated Than Outdoor Air†[ ]As when we are inside a edifice, we are exposing to environmental pollutants when take a breathing indoor air.[ 1 ] What affect Indoor Air Quality? There is some chief facet that cause a hapless indoor air quality such as: – Chemicals – Mold – Particulates – Poor Ventilation Inside the procedure of planing a infinite, we need to admonish with the procedure of fabrication and building. Where in this instance the stuff may incorporate and let go of some sums volatile organic compounds ( VOC’s ) . VOC’s can be harmful when the chemicals exposed to human being.[ 2 ] VOC’s normally found in merchandises such as Furniture, Paint, Drywall, Bedding, Paint strippers, Adhesives/glues, Solvents, Upholstery and other fabrics, Carpet, Cleaning merchandises, Copy machine toners, Office supplies, Electronic equipment, Dry-cleaned vesture, Building stuffs.[ 3 ] Formaldehyde, Decane, Butoxyethanol, Isopentane, Limonene, Styrene, Xylenes, Perchloroethylene, Methylene, Chloride, Toluene, Vinyl chloride is some of the common VOCs in places, offices and schools.[ 3 ] What isGREENGUARDCertified Program? â€Å"GREENGUARD Certification is recognized and referenced in legion edifice plans, criterions and specifications around the universe. Merchandises with GREENGUARD Certification or GREENGUARD GoldCertification can lend to the accomplishment of points in established green edifice evaluation systems, satisfy codification or regulation standards and run into indoor air quality specific RFP requirements.†[ 4 ]  Mentionhypertext transfer protocol: // & A ; Postell, 2011, Materiality and Interior Construction, Wiley P6-8hypertext transfer protocol: // transfer protocol: // 2a: Public Space – Neil Pitt edifice Hotel Lobby The hotel anteroom takes topographic point at bing Neil Pitt edifice located on Brisbane Street.Length ( m )Height ( m )Surface Area ( m2)Entire Wall and Column60.30m4.2m253.26m2New Built Wall19.05m4.2m80.01m2Display Wall, Partition5.40m4.2m22.68m28.80m1.2m10.56m2Window, Glass Door15.4m4.2m64.68m2Entire––431.19m2Surface Area of Wall( High Impact IAQ ) Floor and Ceiling Area( High Impact on IAQ ) Floor Area = 16.05m ten 18.2m = 292.11m2 Ceiling Area = Floor Area – Void Area = 292.11m2– ( 4.28m x 12.196m ) =239.85m2 Volume of the Space( High Impact on IAQ ) = 18.2m ( L ) x 16.05m ( W ) x 4.2m ( H ) =1226.86m3 From above computation, the surface country of wall has the largest proportion of surface in the country. After subtraction out the divider and window portion, the wall has an country of 333.27m2. Therefore, choice of stuff for this will be most of import as it affect the most IAQ of that country. Floor country that consists of 292.11m2will be the 2nd largest surface within the country. And ceiling will be the last, consists of 239.85m2 The entire volume of this hotel anteroom is around 1226.86m3. For a public infinite like hotel anteroom that is in immense volume, there will be more fondness in airing and humidness of the infinite.Objects:Measure:MaterialCounter1Wood, LaminatePlant14WoodTable7Wood, GlassLighting28Steel, Glass, PlasticSofa4Wood, LeatherChair18Steel, LeatherAir Conditioning4Steel, PlasticOthers––( Low Impact on IAQ )( Medium Impact on IAQ )Objects and Material in the Space Age of Material( Medium Impact on IAQ ) For Neil Pitt edifice, most stuff of the edifice is old and some might necessitate to hold retreatment or renovation on the bing stuff. There will be some impact to look on such as the lumber saving ( may utilize of toxic merchandise ) , bing brick and block ( may happen natural radiation ) , metal ( where some repainting demand to be done ) and some old adhesives or sealers might incorporate some dissolvers.[ 5 ] Mention:hypertext transfer protocol: // 2b: Private Space – Holyman House Double Bedroom The dual sleeping room located at Holyman House in Brisbane Street. This hotel room merely a little sleeping room with a dual bed plus a cabinet filled with fabric hanging, Television cabinet and besides workspaces.Length ( m )Height ( m )Surface Area ( m2)Wall15.05m3.76m56.69m2Window2.38m1.45m3.45m2Entire Wall – Window––53.24m2Surface Area of Wall( High Impact IAQ ) Floor and Ceiling Area( High Impact on IAQ ) = 4.44m ten 3.083m – 1.471m x 0.996m = 13.69m2– 1.47m2 =12.27m2( both floor and ceiling ) Volume of the Space( High Impact on IAQ ) = [ 2.969m x 3.083m + 2.087m ten 1.471m ] x 4.2m =45.96m3 For this sleeping room, the wall besides occupied the most surface country with the entire wall size of 53.24m2. The Floor and ceiling occupied the 2nd with 12.27m2each. As for the room volume, this room has a little volume of 45.96m3. Comparison with the public infinite Hotel Lobby, this smaller infinite IAQ will better as got direct entree to the window which provide natural airing. Objects and Material in the SpaceObjects:Measure:MaterialBed1Wood, FabricCabinet3LaminateLighting6Steel, GlassChair1Steel, LeatherTelevision1Steel, Glass, PlasticOthers––( Low Impact on IAQ )( Medium Impact on IAQ )Age of Material( Medium Impact on IAQ ) Similar with Neil Pitt edifice, Holyman house most stuff is old and some might necessitate to hold retreatment or renovation on the bing stuff. Part 2c: Extra FactorVentilationVentilation is a procedure where air altering through an gap in the infinite. Hausladen & A ; Tichelmann reference in their book that: â€Å"Natural airing is a agency of accomplishing a direct exchange between internal and external air through Windowss or dedicated airing louvres or flaps.†[ 6 ] For the Hotel Lobby country, the natural airing is non every bit good as the infinite is deficiency of opening such as window. It merely has a chief door entryway. Therefore for the anteroom country, mechanical airing will be needed. Holyman house sleeping room airing is better where they have own window and the size of the window is suited for the volume of the room. Figure 1[ 7 ]HumidityHumidity is the measure of H2O vapour in the ambiance. In cold topographic points illustration when winter, the humidness is low and for Tasmania, the temperature is cold, hence humidness is easier to command. To forestall grew of cast, humidness must non over the per centum of 70 % . There are several ways that can command humidness inside a room such as airing, temperature control and besides dehumidification.[ 8 ]External AirThere is some common facet between external air and natural airing. As being reference above, Hotel lobby country is harder to acquire external air due to the location and deficiency of gap that expose the infinite to outside air. Mention:Hausladen & A ; Tichelmann, 2010, Interiors Construction Manual: Integrated planning, Finishes and Fittingout, Techncal Services, DETAIL, Birkhauser P174-175Hausladen & A ; Tichelmann, 2010, Interiors Construction Manual: Integrated planning, Finishes and Fittingout, Techncal Services, DETAIL, Birkhauser P174-175Godish, Thad, c1989, Indoor air pollution control. Chelsea, Mich. : Lewis Publishers P167-168Part 3: Indoor Air Quality Strategy As the undertaking is take portion at old edifice, get downing by analyzing the factor of the bing edifice. From the edifice, the chief nucleus stuff will be brick work and concrete. Brick work effects on Indoor Air QualityThey may happen some natural radiation.But this radiation merely to be found low in scope of merchandise.ConcreteConcrete besides may incorporate natural radiationTimberPreservation of lumber might incorporate of toxic merchandise.As this three chief stuff will be found in the bing edifice which still need to be maintain and can’t be replace, I will travel to the following measure of aiming the care plan and remotion facet. The ground of this scheme is because a care of hotel is non easy when clean up, moreover this spread hotel is located individually. For the remotion facet is consider about after few old ages, the hotel might travel through for new redevelopment, repackaging the hotel. Using this, the stuff will be analysis to fit the scheme that traveling to be usage. The three primary surface stuffs will be floor, wall and ceiling. Material Selection – Floor Ceramic floor tiles: Portland cement- based will non breathe any VOCs and/or the growing of harmful allergens. Rug: will be host for dust touchs and cast spores. VOCs found to be emit from the dissolvers, latex backup or the adhesives use in the merchandise installing. Cork: may incorporate vinyl and methanal Linoleum: natural stuff, but some systems contain off-gassing. Some person may sensitivity with the linseed oil. Rubber flooring: disinfectant, but minimum off-gassing opportunities. Vinyl flooring: stuff that is component beginnings of VOCs. Wood flooring: maintainance such as varnishes, discolorations will give off big sums of VOCs.[ 9 ] Stone flooring: hard opposition, broad scope of coatings. Example of rock: Granite, Marble, Travertine.[ 10 ] Mention:Gesimondo & A ; Postell, 2011, Materiality and Interior Construction, Wiley P54-55Gesimondo & A ; Postell, 2011, Materiality and Interior Construction, Wiley P149-151Material Selection – Ceiling Acoustic Ceiling tiles: hold wet control, or wet balance. Some low denseness mineral fiber ceiling can absorb wet and humidness. Largely Low or no VOCs. Recyclable, renewable stuffs. Easy care. Ceramic tile: fireproof, similar with floor ceramic tiles, doesn’t commit VOCs. Low care, odorless. Concrete Ceiling: non see as green stuff, can be recycle. Care may necessitate sealer that might incorporate VOCs. Pressure might do cleft. Gypsum Board: lasting and can organize different form. Susceptible to H2O and wet harm and cause growing of cast. Metallic element Ceiling: Durable. Plaster Ceiling: non wholly environmental sustainable. However they will non breathe VOCs. Absorbs wet. May cleft after sometime. Excessive wet can damage it.[ 11 ] Mention:Gesimondo & A ; Postell, 2011, Materiality and Interior Construction, Wiley P294-320Material Selection – Wall Bead Board: meets the standards of GREENGUARD about the chemical emanations. Contain PVC that is beginning of VOCs. Durable and easy to keep. Brick Masonry: low care and lasting. Good for reuse and recycle. Some brick might be porous such as painting brick. Cement fibreboard: strong and immune to fire, insect and decay. But receive discoloration and will bit. No care required, wet fabric rub for cleansing. Ceramic tiles: similar to floor and ceiling ceramic tile. Easy to keep and lasting. Concrete: similar with concrete ceiling. Glass/ Glazing: transparent, translucent or with opaque stuff. High fire resistant. Installation have sequence for panel parts. Gypsum drywall: similar to gypsum ceiling.[ 12 ] Mention:Gesimondo & A ; Postell, 2011, Materiality and Interior Construction, Wiley P203-283Part 4: Solution to make a better Indoor Air QualityShocking for Hotel LobbyFor the Hotel Lobby, after gone through some list of stuff, rock type shocking which this suite my scheme demand of easy care and remotion facet. Rock flooring is easy to keep and did non incorporate of VOCs in the installing or remotion. There is a disadvantage where rock shocking pricing is rather high comparison to other flooring. The stuff is alone because its nature signifiers of texture. Travertine Stone Floor[ 13 ]Shocking for Hotel RoomsFor the suites, rug will be use although it is harder to clean. The rug supplier that to take will be their stuff is free emanation of VOCs and eco-friendly carpet pad. This is because of rug care is lower comparison to wood flooring, merely cleaning portion will be harder. Carpet besides can do the room experience warmer comparison to the rock flooring that being take to utilize at hotel anteroom. Nylon Rugs[ 14 ] Mention:hypertext transfer protocol: // transfer protocol: // ? view=featuredCeiling for both Hotel Lobby and RoomsAcoustic Ceiling tiles have been choose to be the ceiling stuff because of the non VOCs. It is besides easy to keep and clean. Other than that, acoustic ceiling supply some acoustic demand for the infinite which is an excess benefit other than the indoor air quality. Acoustic Ceiling[ 15 ]Wall for both Hotel Lobby and RoomsBrick masonry wall will be used as for the lasting and easy care scheme. The covering of the wall will be plastered and painted with GREENGUARD certified pigment. There will besides some glass wall at the hotel anteroom to supply natural sunshine into the infinite. Mention:hypertext transfer protocol: // 5: Mention List Books:Hausladen & A ; Tichelmann, 2010, Interiors Construction Manual: Integrated planning, Finishes and Fittingout, Techncal Services, DETAIL, BirkhauserGesimondo & A ; Postell, 2011, Materiality and Interior Construction, WileyGodish, Thad, c1989, Indoor air pollution control. Chelsea, Mich. : Lewis PublishersBearg, David W. , c1993, Indoor air quality and HVAC systems. Boca Raton, Fla. : Lewis PublishersConran, T. , 2009, Eco House Book, Conran OctopusSusan, M. , 2012, Sustainable Design for Interior Environments, Bloomsbury Acad & A ; ProfWeb site:hypertext transfer protocol: // transfer protocol: // transfer protocol: // transfer protocol: // transfer protocol: // ? view=featuredhypertext transfer protocol: //
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on Computer And Human
CHESS (HUMAN VS. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE) It is hard to distinguish between that who is better in chess Human or Artificial Intelligence. Some would say humans because of their critical thinking and throwing computer off guard. And others would say artificial intelligence like Deep Blue because of its capability to calculate upto 4,000,000 chess moves per second as compare to human chess player who could only calculate upto three moves in a second. But in my opinion I think human has the upper hand. Human play better chess than Artificial Intelligence. We know that presently computers can only use the intelligence that is load in it. It is not capable of thinking anything else as human minds can do so. All the moves that computer makes are based on the series of calculations and this all based on the positions of the pieces on the chessboard. A computer chess program like Deep Blue makes its move by using its evaluation function. The evaluation function is an algorithm that measures the chess position. Positions with positive values are good for ‘White’ and positions with negative values are good for ‘Black’ (IBM Research – Deep Blue – Overview). Here is where I think that human has the upper hand while playing chess with an artificial intelligence. Human chess players use their skills, judgment and previous experiences to decide about the moves they are going to make next (Connor, 1993). And artificial intelligence moves are based on its algorithms and so a human chess player can disturb its algorithms making an unusual move that artificial intelligence does not recognize. In 1996, Gary Kasparov beat Deep Blue by 4-2 in a â€Å"regulation-style match†held in Philadelphia. Although Gary Kasparov lost the opening game to Deep Blue but he came game back and won the game 2. â€Å"Gary Kasparov won in an interesting ending, though due to programming errors the computer in that game played without any opening database.... Free Essays on Computer And Human Free Essays on Computer And Human CHESS (HUMAN VS. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE) It is hard to distinguish between that who is better in chess Human or Artificial Intelligence. Some would say humans because of their critical thinking and throwing computer off guard. And others would say artificial intelligence like Deep Blue because of its capability to calculate upto 4,000,000 chess moves per second as compare to human chess player who could only calculate upto three moves in a second. But in my opinion I think human has the upper hand. Human play better chess than Artificial Intelligence. We know that presently computers can only use the intelligence that is load in it. It is not capable of thinking anything else as human minds can do so. All the moves that computer makes are based on the series of calculations and this all based on the positions of the pieces on the chessboard. A computer chess program like Deep Blue makes its move by using its evaluation function. The evaluation function is an algorithm that measures the chess position. Positions with positive values are good for ‘White’ and positions with negative values are good for ‘Black’ (IBM Research – Deep Blue – Overview). Here is where I think that human has the upper hand while playing chess with an artificial intelligence. Human chess players use their skills, judgment and previous experiences to decide about the moves they are going to make next (Connor, 1993). And artificial intelligence moves are based on its algorithms and so a human chess player can disturb its algorithms making an unusual move that artificial intelligence does not recognize. In 1996, Gary Kasparov beat Deep Blue by 4-2 in a â€Å"regulation-style match†held in Philadelphia. Although Gary Kasparov lost the opening game to Deep Blue but he came game back and won the game 2. â€Å"Gary Kasparov won in an interesting ending, though due to programming errors the computer in that game played without any opening database....
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Boston Massacre Hero, Crispus Attucks
The Boston Massacre Hero, Crispus Attucks The first person to die in the Boston Massacre was an African-American sailor named Crispus Attucks. Not much is known about Crispus Attucks prior to his death in 1770, but his actions that day became a source of inspiration for both white and black Americans for years to come. Attucks in Slavery Attucks was born around 1723; his father was an African slave in Boston, and his mother was a Natick Indian. His life up until he was 27 years old is a mystery, but in 1750 Deacon William Brown of Framingham, Mass., placed a notice in the Boston Gazette that his slave, Attucks, had run away. Brown offered a reward of 10 pounds as well as reimbursement for any incurred expenses to anyone who caught Attucks. The Boston Massacre No one captured Attucks, and by 1770 he was working as a sailor on a whaling ship. On March 5, he was having lunch near Boston Common along with other sailors from his ship, waiting for good weather so they could set sail. When he heard a commotion outside, Attucks went to investigate, discovering a crowd of Americans clustered near the British garrison. The crowd had gathered after a barbers apprentice accused a British soldier of not paying for a haircut. The soldier struck the boy in anger, and a number of Bostonians, seeing the incident, gathered and shouted at the soldier. Other British soldiers joined their comrade, and they stood as the crowd grew larger. Attucks joined the crowd. He took leadership of the group, and they followed him to the custom house. There, the American colonists began throwing snowballs at the soldiers guarding the customs house. The accounts of what happened next differed. A witness for the defense testified at the trials of Captain Thomas Preston and eight other British soldiers that Attucks picked up a stick and swung it at the captain and then a second soldier. The defense laid the blame for the actions of the crowd at Attucks feet, painting him as a troublemaker who incited the mob. This may have been an early form of race-baiting as other witnesses refuted this version of events. However much they were provoked, the British soldiers opened fire on the crowd that had gathered, killing Attucks first and then four others. At the trial of Preston and other soldiers, witnesses differed on whether Preston had given the order to fire or whether a lone soldier had discharged his gun, prompting his fellow soldiers to open fire. The Legacy of Attucks Attucks became a hero to the colonials during the American Revolution; they saw him as gallantly standing up to abusive British soldiers. And it is entirely possible that Attucks decided to join the crowd to take a stand against perceived British tyranny. As a sailor in the 1760s, he would have been aware of the British practice of impressing (or forcing) American colonial sailors into the service of the British navy. This practice, among others, exacerbated tensions between v and the British. Attucks also became a hero to African-Americans. In the mid-nineteenth century, African-American Bostonians celebrated Crispus Attucks Day every year on March 5. They created the holiday to remind Americans of Attucks sacrifice after blacks were declared non-citizens in the (1857)Â Supreme Court decision. In 1888, the city of Boston erected a memorial to Attucks in Boston Common. Attucks was seen as someone who had martyred himself for American independence, even as he himself had been born into the oppressive system of American slavery. Sources Langguth, A. J. Patriots: The Men Who Started the American Revolution. New York: Simon Schuster, 1989.Lanning, Michael Lee. The African-American Soldier: From Crispus Attucks to Colin Powell. Seacus, NJ: Citadel Press, 2004.Thomas, Richard W. Life for Us Is What We Make It: Building Black Community in Detroit, 1915-1945. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1992.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Supreme Court case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Supreme Court case - Essay Example The judges vote on the ruling was 7 to 2 with majority choosing to have abortion legalized basing it on the right to privacy, which is spelt under the clause of due process in the 14th amendment. In the written ruling by Justice Harry Blackmun, he justified the legalization of abortion because of the fact that illegalization infringed upon women’s right to privacy and the ruling subsequently, overruled all other state antiabortion statutes. According to Alcorn, the ruling issued in this case permitted the state to intervene during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy when there is an urgent need to protect the pregnant woman and/ or even the unborn child (28-31). However, it is important to note that the trimester consideration was struck out leaving the main fact about the ruling as that a pregnant woman had the right to abort until ‘viability.’ Murti stated that despite the numerous cases being filed to repeal this judgment, a ruling made 1992 in the cas e of Planned Parenthood versus Casey reaffirmed the right to abortion that had been granted under the Roe versus Wade case, but it permitted further restrictions (33-36). ... The pro-life group refers to those who are against the ruling while the pro-choice refers to those who support the ruling citing the fact that a woman has the right to decide whether she would want to keep the pregnancy or not (45-56). Without including matters of the law or legal principles into the discussion, Murti stated that the greatest opposition to the ruling made by in the Roe versus Wade case has been based around religious and moral ideologies or views (88-89). The pro-life advocates have continually stated that the ruling given in the Roe versus Wade case goes against religious teachings in all the faiths where abortion has been openly condemned and classified as a sin against the Lord. With reference to religious teachings, Alcorn stated that the Bible has openly refuted the act of abortion since the Lord referred to children as a blessing and therefore, it would go against the Lord’s wishes if a pregnant woman terminates a pregnancy thereby failing to give the un born child the right to life (67-73). For example, Amos chapter 1 verse 13 states, â€Å"the help of the Lord is essential, for He has dominion over human life and its origin. Parents cooperate with God in bringing forth life. Because this whole process is under God’s dominion and therefore, it is sinful to interrupt it.†This versus was written with reference to the violent acts that were taking place in Gilead where attackers were ripping open expectant mothers, thus killing their unborn children. This verse by Amos clearly indicates that pregnancy is under the dominion of God and therefore, it is a sin before the Lord. Additionally, Biblical teachings repeatedly in several versus condemn the killing of the innocent while other versus refer to the
Friday, November 1, 2019
Southwest Airlines Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Southwest Airlines - Case Study Example In addition, the company viewed offering the air service as an innovative and environmentally responsible industry driving at economic and social progress (Rochat, 2007). The fun campaign led by Keller and involving crews and all employees was an innovative way of making their flights a fun to all customers. Another factor behind the success was the cost cutting strategies which included contracting fleet maintenance and fuel supplies, fewer than average operators and crews in all its services, and the no frill policy was a different approach that ensured the company minimized its costs. Morrison (2001) elaborates how the low cost Carriers had to adopt some of the strategies used by Southwest to cut costs. Making employees as part of a larger family of Southwestern Airlines was perhaps the largest asset that the company utilized to succeed in the market. Brueckner, Lee & Singer (2012) elaborate one of the main characteristics of LCC as cutting costs while still charging very low fares compared to major airlines. The 10 to 15 turnaround therefore ensured Southwestern airline maximum usage of its fleet while carrying a below average or average number of customers per trip. In addition, the high turnaround ensured the business class customers could effectively use the company due to reliability, speed and effectiveness of reaching these destinations, including the ability to acquire a ticket in the airline’s gates and board the next flight to their destination. The high turnaround therefore translated to more customers due to reliability, and effectively utilizing the fleet, which increased the company’s profits. One of the challenges faced is flooding of other low cost carriers in the market with better services, the threat of terrorism rapidly increasing in air transportation making the turnaround required difficult to maintain, and rising fuel costs that may increase its operating costs in addition to the tantrums in global economy. According to
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