Thursday, August 27, 2020
Jackie Robinson Hero free essay sample
During each at bat Jackie could scarcely grasp the bat with the fans provoking and shouting bigot remarks to him. Jackie completed the game going O for 3. This was not a great beginning. Jackie was given another opportunity when he began the following game. This time Jackie was engaged and prepared to play. Like last time he got different danger letters. He basically tossed them in the junk and hit the field. Fans were irate to see that Jackie was beginning once more. The arena was thundering with racial remarks when he came out of the burrow. This time the hollering didn't influence Jackie. With assurance he bolted out everything going on aside from his fundamental target, which was, to play baseball. So with a grin on Jackasss face he completed the game going 3 for 4 with 2 taken bases. Jackie Robinson was a legend. Jackie confronted extreme hindrances and propelled others with his effortlessness under tension. We will compose a custom article test on Jackie Robinson Hero or on the other hand any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Jackasss effortlessness under tension enlivened a huge number of African-American people living in America by putting the bias and racial conflict aside, and demonstrated everybody what a capable player he was. Jackie Robinson enlivened his kin since he gave them that he could set aside the racial angle and center n the game.The mental fortitude Jackie Robinson had was mind boggling. All through his vocation fans took steps to slaughter him and his family except if he quit. This terrified Jackie the most in light of the fact that he would not like to be answerable for any of his relatives getting injured. Every »OHare Jackie went he was in every case careful and distrustful of what may occur. This made a lot of worry for Jackie in light of the fact that he was unable to go anyplace unafraid in his brain. Following seven days of being in the group Jackie was alarmed to such an extent that he considered stopping. He pondered internally Is this justified, despite all the trouble? He knew in he back of his brain that on the off chance that he quit it would all leave. Be that as it may, with mental fortitude and assurance Jackie roused a great many people since he never surrendered and kept on playing. Pretty much wherever Jackie Robinson went he got racial remarks from fans. A few fans would toss beverages and food at him. This would cause Jackie to tremble with outrage however Jackie got magnificent at enduring their conduct. So often Jackie needed to hit one the fans in any case, regardless of how frantic they made Jackie, he not even once reacted with violence.Baseball is a very mental game and they state coloring a baseball from a significant alliance pitcher is the hardest thing to achieve among sports. In light of that, it is unfathomable that Jackie had the capacity to shut out the entirety of the supremacist comments and still have the option to concentrate enough to hit a baseball. Jackasss poise to not retaliate enlivened numerous individuals. Jackie Robinson was victimized from the fans as well as his colleagues. A large number of the partners didn't care for the possibility of a dark player in their group so these players made it extreme on Jackie.Some colleagues made an appeal to prevent Robinson from joining the group, however afflicted when Dodger chief Leo Drencher found out about it. (Brandon) Most of Jackasss colleagues demonstrated him no regard and some would not look at him without flinching. For instance, Jackasss first grand slam gave the Dodgers the lead in the highest point of the ninth and when Jackie returned to the hole he just got thankfulness and congrats from his mentor and one other partner. In that condition, in the event that one of the white players had hit the grand slam the entire group would have been delighted to compliment that player.For myself the best part about baseball was the manner by which fortified our group as however for Jackie he was fortunate on the off chance that he could bond w ith a couple of his colleagues. Jackie motivated individuals with his ingenuity to never abandon group regardless of how much his partners detested him since his objective was to play baseball and dominate the match. Jackie realized that his partners didn't regard him and a great many people in Jackasss circumstance would separate themselves from the group. Jackie was the inverse. He was in every case inviting and ready to chat with his partners. Jackasss first companion in the group was Peewee Reese.When the fifth game was going to begin Jackie was inclining toward the fence being deleted by the fans. When Reese saw the bugging he strolled up next to Jackie, put his arm around Jackie and said Forget those folks Jack, lets play. This was such a stun to all the fans in the ballpark. This second was an immense eye opener to Jackie. It furnished Jackie with motivation and inspiration to continue battling. Jackie Robinson and Peewee Reese roused all races during that second since they had the boldness to show everybody that blacks and whites could get along. Other baseball crews detested Jackie Robinson.Especially during the Dodgers arrangement against the Phillips. During Jackasss first t bat of the game, beginning pitcher Johnny Saint tossed a fastball expected for Jackasss head. Holy person was making an effort not to unnerve Jackie, he was attempting to hurt him. (Schwartz) This impediment just carried Jackie more weight yet with Jackasss effortlessness under tension he utilized Saints strategies as a bit of leeway. Jackie remained in the container with mental fortitude. He would avoid the pitches until Saint tossed him something to hit and when Saint tossed a pitch over the plate Jackie squashed the ball down the line bringing about a triple.Challenges like this motivated numerous individuals since he demonstrated to others that there is no deterrent he was unable to survive. Jackie Robinson enlivened all with his effortlessness under tension. Jackasss elegance under tension drove Jackie to a shocking freshman season. In Jackasss first year, he hit 12 homers and helped the Dodgers win the National ague flag. That year, Robinson drove the National League in taken bases and was chosen as Rookie of the Year. (Allen) The Rookie of the Year grant is incredibly difficult to accomplish and fans were stunned to see that a dark man won the award.Forty years after Jackie Robinson broke the baseball shading line, the honor was renamed the Jackie Robinson Award in July 1987. Baseball Almanac) The renaming of the honor motivated a huge number of people and reminded them how much effect Jackie had on our general public and the sport of baseball. This was one of the Major League Baseballs best ever tenderfoot seasons. (Galilee) Jackie roused others on the grounds that with his beauty under tension he was able to have an extraordinary newbie season alongside all the snags and racial struggle he needed to survive. Jackie Robinson likewise motivated people with his forceful baseball tactics.Jackie at the time was amazing at running the bases. During his first season Jackie drove the ague with 29 taken bases and he got done with a profession aggregate of 197 taken bases. This was amazing however what individuals recalled the most was the first run through Jackie took home. It was down one of the 55 arrangement and the game was tied 2-2 in the fifth inning against the NY Yankees. The pitcher on the hill was Frizz Steamroller and before that season he deliberately radiated Jackie with a fastball that started up Jackie and the whole Dodgers burrow. (Allen) Jackie was searching for retribution. So Jackie removed an enormous lead from third base and not long before Steamroller lifted his leg Jackie took off for mother plate. The Yankees were found napping and Jackie slid into home marginally beating the tag. This run made the score 3-2 Dodgers and they would later dominate the match 4-2. After this gallant play Dodger fans experienced passionate feelings for Jackie. The take said a lot about Robinson, who not just had the ability to break balls shading line yet the mix of ability, disposition, and timing to hit his depreciators where it hurt, on the scoreboard. (Corcoran) Jackie would not utilize savagery to deliver his retribution out on other teams.Jackie roused others by searching out his vengeance through the sport of baseball. Individuals respect Jackie Robinson till this day. On April 15, 2004 the NAACP began a custom called Jackie Robinson Day to celebrate and recall Jackasss Major League Baseball debut. His introduction with the Brooklyn Dodgers finished the eight years of baseball isolation. The Dodgers adulated Jackie so much that they resigned his number, which was number 42. A long time later on April 15, 1997, Jackasss achievements were still so valued that Major League Baseball resigned the number 42 from all Major League Baseball teams.Today Jacks?s number stays to be the main number resigned from the entirety of the ML. People Of all races kick up to Jackie Robinson for his fortitude and perseverance through the fight against segregation. He didn't just add to breaking the shading line through baseball. Jackie helped pioneer the path for the Civil Rights development. (Degree) He additionally helped Martin Luther King, Jar. Fund-raise for his association. Jackie Robinson never quit what he began; he indicated that he was equipped for making change through something beyond baseball.Jackie roused others since he showed his elegance under tension on and off the baseball field. Jackie Robinson capacity to conquer any hindrance was a motivation to numerous individuals. After Jackie Robinsons baseball profession he expressed, Whatever hindrances I discovered made me battle all the harder. Yet, it would have been inconceivable for me to battle by any stretch of the imagination, then again, actually I was continued by the individual and profound established conviction that my battle got an opportunity. It got an opportunity since it occurred in a free society. Not used to be compelled to face and battle an ardent article. Not used to be the circumstance so solid metal inflexible that got no opportunity at all.Free psyches and human hearts were grinding away surrounding me; thus there was the likelihood f improvement. I take a gander at my kids now, and realize that I should even now set them up to meet snags and biases. (Robinson) Jackie did what he did on the grounds that he gave it a second thought. He minded so much that is the reason he was fit for defeating everyt
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Polar Bears Warming Up to Climate Change Essay
The way the earth’s atmosphere has been changing is an exceptionally hotly debated issue among researchers today.â Some trust it to be brought about by the earth’s characteristic geothermal turn of events and part of the typical change that the planet ought to experience. Others repudiate these cases by saying that man’s own creations and inappropriate utilization of non-renewable energy sources has been disturbing the characteristic warm changes.â Environmentalists further desire the overall population to act towards helping save earth in light of the fact that man’s exercises are diminishing human endurance as well as of his co-planetary habitants also. Polar Bears’ Hierarchy in the Arctic Kingdom  â â â â â â â â â â Polar bears are known to be the world’s biggest land predator. (Briggs, 2003, standard. 9) Adult females regularly gauge 330 to 550 pounds yet guys can be as substantial as 775 to 1500 pounds. (Polar Bears International, 2008, standard. 4)  â â â â â â â â â â Polar bears, as can be appeared in the Food Chain Model beneath, are on the evolved way of life in the cold districts and feed on ringed seals and walruses. Polar Bear Beluga  â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â Ringed Sealâ â â â â â â â â Thick-Billed Murresâ â â â â â â â â â â â â â Walrus Bowheaded Whaleâ â â â â â â â â â â â â â â Arctic Codâ â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â Arctic Tern Zooplankton Source: Assignment Discovery School Lesson Plan, p. 3 Phytoplankton  â â â â â â â â â â Although people have volunteered to think about their condition, sharing obligation isn't in every case simple. There used to be worries among Norway and Russia, with respect to who ought to be answerable for the consideration of the Ursus maritimus or polar bear since they can be found in both countries.â An examination made by Mette Mauritzen (2002) and her partners utilized satellite telemetry to get information from 105 female polar bears over twelve of years and the outcomes indicated that the various subpopulations in the various areas are all piece of one ceaseless polar bear population.â This implies the two nations need to share the board duty regarding the species. A dangerous atmospheric devation and the Arctic  â â â â â â â â â â Many researchers are stating that the ebb and flow condition of a dangerous atmospheric devation is too fast.â Some state that it will just take around 50 years before the ice in the Arctic will soften while others state it might take around 100 years.â The time allotment is unimportant in light of the fact that the direness of battling a worldwide temperature alteration can really be seen with its anticipated and right now on-going impacts. As indicated by NASA Engineer Josefino C. Comiso (2003), his satellite perceptions show that the multi year pattern in situ surface temperature is multiple times bigger than the multi year pattern which implies that the ocean is warming a lot quicker than typical. He likewise presumes that continuously 2050, the ice lying over the mainland rack would be uprooted into the polar bowl. Polar Bears and Global Warming  â â â â â â â â â â According to an article composed by Eric Chivian (2001) entitled Environment and health:â Species misfortune and biological system disturbance †the suggestions for human health,â worldwide environmental change, stratospheric ozone exhaustion, and the negative consequences of other man-caused exercises to compromise biodiversity, yet it is the corruption, decrease and discontinuity of natural surroundings that is the best danger.  â â â â â â â â â â According to an extremely broad examination made by Andrew Derocher, Nicholas Lunn and Ian Stirling (2004) entitled Polar Bears in a Warming Climate, factors, for example, the diminishing zone of Arctic Sea Ice, reduced multiyear ice, timing of ice development or separation, denning, developments of the bears on the ocean ice, amount of prey, human-polar bear collaborations and contamination all join to compromise the endurance of the species. Ice Sea Iceâ â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â  â â â â â â â â â â According to the IUCN/Species Survival Commission Polar Bear Specialist Group (2002, pp. 21-35), polar bears have had the option to possess ocean ice natural surroundings all through the Arctic with its populace evaluated at 21,500 to 25,000. Ice Sea Ice are utilized by polar bears to move themselves over the water to go after seals.â Lessening the quantity of ice would enormously influence the food asset of the species. Diminished Multiyear Iceâ â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â  â â â â â â â â â â According to a past report by Comiso (2002b refered to in Derocher, 2004) the ice spread in the Arctic is as of now declining at the pace of 9% at regular intervals; which implies that the ice might be totally gone in only one hundred years. Since polar bears are completely subject to their frigid territory, losing the ice can prompt their termination. Timing of Ice Formation and its Break Up  â â â â â â â â â â One of the essential things that will be influenced by a worldwide temperature alteration would be the pattern of separation and freezing of the yearly ice in the arctic.â Some researchers accept that an Earth-wide temperature boost influences the cycle by making the ice separate prior every year while deferring its freeze. In Canada’s Western Hudson Bay, the yearly ice separation is seen to happen about 2.5 weeks sooner than 3 decades back. (Stirling, refered to in Derocher, 2004) This is significant in light of the fact that when the ice breaks sooner, the polar bears have abbreviated time to benefit from seals which can extraordinarily influence the states of their bodies all through the year.â Their bodies would not have had the option to get enough of the fat they would requirement for their four-month quick.  â â â â â â â â â â According to different examinations recently done by Derocher and Stirling (1995b refered to in Derocher, 2004), grown-up polar bears lose around .85 to .90 kilograms of weight every day during fasts.â With the sudden breaking of ice that would end taking care of period prior and the postponed freezing, polar bears will lose their weight anomalous because of the more drawn out time they have to quick. In spite of the fact that it might appear to be unimportant, this significantly affects the pregnant polar bears.â If these female pregnant polar bears fall past 189 kilograms of weight because of the long fasting time frame, odds of conveying the offspring become nil. Denning  â â â â â â â â â â Female polar bears have most loved spots to sanctum. To arrive at these spots, the ice cycles ought to be standard to have the option to enable these bears to arrive at their goals on schedule. Additionally, with the ice dissolving and making the territory more distant to swim to, it is getting hard for polar bears to arrive at their preferred areas.  â â â â â â â â â â There are some subspecies that do may not be specific with their nook areas since they can cave on floating multiyear ice.â These polar bears are at present ready to raise the offspring well.â However, with a dangerous atmospheric devation influencing the multiyear ice, these bears may must be on the skimming ice longer than would normally be appropriate which implies more vitality wasted.â This can likewise be hindering to the whelps which are not yet completely created and prepared to climate the exhausted conditions. On the off chance that this occurs, at that point a dangerous atmospheric devation will influence the populace as a result of the offspring that can be lost because of the conditions referenced.  â â â â â â â â â â For polar bear populaces that like to return to their maternity caves, another difficult that could undermine their normal action would be that while the planet warms, the vegetation in the territory would likewise be drier making these inclined to fire.â Warmer nooks with fire-dangers are not reasonable for pregnant polar bears and their offspring. Developments of Polar Bears on the Sea Ice  â â â â â â â â â â Because of hotter ocean temperatures and an expansion in ocean twists because of a worldwide temperature alteration, ocean ice will thin effectively and this may make this significant transportation for polar bears become shaky or float quicker. On the off chance that it moves a lot quicker, the animal types would need to burn through more effort in arriving at their favored areas. Albeit polar bears love to swim, utilizing an excessive amount of vitality can likewise cause unexpected weakness and propagation for the polar bears. Perceptions likewise note that polar bears move to land when ocean ice amount goes underneath half of its ordinary number. This could be on the grounds that more vitality is spent proceeding onward top of floating ice contrasted with strolling on strong frigid ground. An abatement in the quantity of ocean ice floating likewise decreases the chances to chase for more prey. Accessibility of Prey  â â â â â â â â â â A diminishing in ocean ice has its consequences for the profitability of seals, which are the fundamental food of polar bears.â Seals depend on ocean ice for their maternity exercises, reducing the amount of ocean ice floating because of a worldwide temperature alteration will likewise decrease the number of inhabitants in seals.  â â â â â â â â â â There were perceptions in 1979 that hotter temperatures and downpour came about to the simple revealing of seal puppy sanctuaries that made it threefold simpler for polar bears to get them. (Hammil and Smith, 1991 refered to in Derocher, 2004) If this can turn into a pattern wherein in hotter temperatures will cause the prior beginning of downpour which will
Friday, August 21, 2020
Bens Third Semi-Annual QA
Ben’s Third Semi-Annual QA Ambreen wrote: What is the rationale behind question what department at MIT interests you and why?' First, I should note that it has no bearing on your application, as ~50% of our admits end up majoring in something entirely different from what they write here. It simply adds a bit to the context of your overall app what youre interested in, what youre excited about, etc. But theres no right or wrong answer remember that we have no quotas for majors, which is why you apply to MIT, not to one of its 5 schools. Zack Yang wrote: Should I have my November scores rushed to MIT? And Sarah Bana followed with: on the same note, should we have October scores rushed to MIT? Nope, and nope. If youve designated MIT as a recipient, there is no need to rush October or November scores. If, as Matt says, Thanksgiving rolls around and youre thinking gee, I should probably send my scores to MIT then at that point youll want to rush them. ;-) Shikhar wrote: Should I carry any special thing or portfolio with me when I go for MIT interview? Eric responded that it would be a good idea to ask the interviewer beforehand if theres anything that he/she would like you to bring. I think this is great advice, as each interviewer is different. Many will say just bring yourself, but others will appreciate the opportunity to see some additional things. Shikhar wrote: I think Ill ask the admissions office to consider me for submitting January test scores of SAT II. I also want to know whether its SAT II which are more important than SAT I as SAT I can be replaced by TOEFL. You can definitely submit test scores in January for regular decision. We make no distinction between the importance of SATI (or TOEFL) and SATII all of these are important components of your application. He-Who-Does-Not-Want-To-Be-Named wrote: I got really bad scores in my SAT I. A 720 in Math is NOT MIT material. If I do get 750-800 in Math Level IIC and Physics in SAT II, will that over-ride my bad SAT I performance? A 720 is fine! Dont give it another thought. Remember that scores are used to determine whether or not you would thrive academically here. Anyone with a 720 has the potential to do just as well at MIT as anyone with an 800. Focus on the things that are actually used to select the class: match, essays, recs, interview report (if applicable), activities, passion. Nina toleva wrote: Well, I decided to apply to MIT but I have really big problem. I had great difficulties trying to save money for the SAT and TOEFL exams. At last, I have the required sum, but there are no free dates for TOEFL till early January. What should I do and how should I proceed? Please, help me! No worries, take the January TOEFL and feel free to let us know somewhere in your application that the scores will be coming to us. Rob wrote: What if an applicant doesnt have five meaningful activities? I have three activities that I value greatly and into which I put a significant amount of time. How would only three activities look to the admissions committee? I dont want to put down clubs I belong to that only meet once a week or honor organizations that dont do anything. To us, its quality over quantity. Thats why we only have five slots (Im aware that other schools have more, sometimes many more). If you only have three, thats fine! Not every admitted applicant fills up all the slots. Karen wrote: My college counselor made my essay look like it came straight out of What Colleges Want to Hear. (If that existed, she would have written it.) In this aspect, I defied her. I wrote another essay because I felt like the first was suffocating and I didnt tell her. In fact, I didnt show it to anyone until after I mailed it (dont worry, my writing stands on its own). Was this wise? Not only was it wise, but it was honest, and undoubtedly more you. Bravo. The essay is not a writing test; its your voice in the application. Therefore its important that it represents your voice, not anyone elses. Dont get me wrong theres nothing wrong with asking a counselor to review your essay(s) and offer feedback. But if a counselor changes things to the point that you no longer feel that your voice is represented, thats a BIG problem. If I dont get accepted EA, should I send in anything more to give my app. another push for regular decision, or should I just leave it as is? If I should, what sort of things could I send? You are always welcome to send supplemental materials if you are deferred. We encourage anything that will show growth or progress that occurred after the original application was sent in.
Monday, May 25, 2020
The United States Invasion Of Privacy - 1224 Words
Invasion of Privacy People might not think about being watched when they’re posting personal experiences in their life on social media. The government has the ability and justification to go through a person’s social media site, listen to phone calls, and read text messages as a way of narrowing down possible suspects for terrorism. The privacy laws in America are what allows the U.S. government to search the digital world for possible threats to the country. Although some say that privacy laws help American citizens keep their confidentiality for medical reasons, also as benefits for social security, I still maintain that privacy laws gives the government undeserved power and can give the impression of being watched . In today’s society, the world is seemingly revolved around violence. We are always looking for innovative ways to prevent violence from breaking out. The newly formed terrorist group, ISIS, slaughtered civilians in paris due to explosions they had a hand in. ISIS is the world’s problem today, and their next target is the United States. America can take measures to eradicate this terrorist group, but we are aware that there may be ISIS members hidden in the country already. As a result, the government uses their surveillance technology to search through the digital world in an effort to prevent an attack on our home land. If the Government has the ability to trace calls or to look at someone s online searches, they might be able to prevent attacks onShow MoreRelatedU.s. Forest Service Violated The Privacy Act868 Words  | 4 PagesARGUMENT I. THE U.S. FOREST SERVICE VIOLATED THE PRIVACY ACT BY DISCLOSING PERSONNEL RECORDS THAT CONSITUTE A CLEARLY UNWARRANTED INVASION OF PERSONAL PRIVACY. Privacy matters, and Congress agreed: The Privacy Act’s purpose is â€Å"to provide certain safe guards against an invasion of personal privacy by requiring federal agencies . . . to . . . be subject to civil suit for any damages which . . . violates any individual’s rights under this act.†Law Review UGA (quoting another law review). Under 5Read More Essay on Internet Privacy - Invasion of Privacy on the Internet964 Words  | 4 PagesInvasion of Privacy on the Internet   Invasion of privacy is a serious issue concerning the Internet, as e-mails can be read if not encrypted, and cookies can track a user and store personal information. Lack of privacy policies and employee monitoring threatens security also. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Evolution and Analysis of the Principle of Legitimate Expectation - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 10 Words: 2985 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Law Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? I. Introduction à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“A man should keep his words. All the more so when promise is not a bare promise but is made with the intention that the other party should act upon ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ [1] A law cannot be found upon mere trust and expectations, no matter how reasonable it may sound. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Evolution and Analysis of the Principle of Legitimate Expectation" essay for you Create order For the individuals to act on the law, the law has to be concrete and defined. Therefore, laws are codified and precedents are established, to bring about the union of constancy and certainty. Laws, once formed, create expectations in the mind of the persons that such laws will be justly implemented and observed by the administrative authorities with any sort of arbitrariness. At the same time, laws have to undergo constant changes and modifications and repealments to meet the challenges of a constantly changing society and to do more justice. The principle of legitimate expectancy keeps a check on the arbitrary exercise of power by public authorities, by defining the ambit within which the administrative authorities can change the law, and in this manner giving relief to an aggrieved individual against an arbitrary use of power even when such relief does not exists under statute law. II. The Principle of Legitimate Expectation Lord Denning[2] first made the mention of the prin ciple of legitimate expectation, which was later adopted by courts all over the world.[3] The doctrine of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“legitimate Expectationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ falls within the ambit of public law. The principle protects individuals from an arbitrary exercise of administrative authority by a public body and offers relief to those who has suffered a civil wrong due to the non-fulfilment of his legitimate expectations. However, under the strict meaning of the principle under the law, the claimant has no rights under this principle in a court of law.[4] It positions itself between à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“a rightà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“no rightà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , giving an individual a right to approach the court, and differs from hope and desire. The principle has been widely implemented by Indian Courts to restrict the arbitrary exercise of power by administrative system. In general, a person has a right to approach the courts for relief under private law when his rights arising out of a statute or contract has been violated. However, in public law, this rule relaxes the rule of locus standi by permitting an individual to approach the courts whenever his rightful expectations from the administrative bodies have been breached.[5] Therefore, this doctrine is considered to be developed from the principles natural justice and comes under Article 14 of the Constitution.[6] Essentially, the principle of legitimate expectation protests against arbitrariness and encourages fair dealing by public authorities. Like majority of other doctrines in administrative law, legitimate expectation is a theory created by the Courts for the examination of administrative actions. III. Types of Legitimate Expectation Originally having a procedural aspect, with the evolution of the doctrine of legitimate expectation, the doctrine was divided into two categories by the courts. In common law, Lord Diplockà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s decision in the case of Council of Civil Service Union v. Minister for Civil Service,[7] laid down the two facets of the doctrine. The Indian Court acknowledged these two aspects given by the English Court in the case of National Buildings Construction Corporation v S. Raghunathan[8]. The two aspects of legitimate expectations are: A. Procedural Aspect This is the most frequently used aspect of legitimate expectation. The procedural aspect raises and preserves the principles of natural justice and maintains equity and fairness. It prevents the public bodies from arbitrary and unreasonable exercise of administrative power. The procedural aspect assures that an appropriate and fair hearing will be carried out, and an opportunity to make representations will be provided before taking any hostile decision against the expectations of the individual.[9] B. Substantive Aspect The substantive aspect although a later addition to the doctrine, yet covers half the cases which within judicial review. The substantive aspect of the doctrine endorses and preserves the principle of equity and the doctrine of estoppel. It necessitates a representation through an assurance or regular past practice, which secures a benefit or an advantage to an individual.[10] The substantial aspect safeguards the individual against any aberration from this r epresentation, and protects the individual against any harm suffered during the sequence of events. IV. Evolution in English Law The principle of legitimate expectation was first used in Schmidt v. Secy of Stare for Home Affairs[11], in which the government had curtailed the time period already allowed to an alien to arrive and stay in England. It was held that the rightful expectations of an individual cannot be thwarted by the administrative authorities unless a fair and reasonable procedure is followed. In the present case, legitimate expectation was only used to replace the term à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“rightà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . However, this case laid down the groundwork for subsequent development; the doctrine has since developed and occupied a strong position in administrative law jurisprudence. After this case, the doctrine was expansively discussed in Breen v. Amalgamated Engg. Union[12] where the district committee of a trade union had deprived endorsement of a member from being elected as shop steward. The court held that when an individual has rightful expectations that his election will be permitted, he cannot be deprived of the same without a fair ground of objection. The court in abovementioned case acknowledged that legitimate expectation is a part of the principles of natural justice. Likewise, in case of Attorney General of Hongkong v. Ng Yuen Shiu[13], while crushing the directive of removal passed by the Hong Kong Immigration Authority without notice and hearing, the court decided that the statement made by the concerned authority that while investigating cases of illegal immigration, each case shall be judged on merits and facts. This is based on the principle of legitimate expectation between immigrants that removal order shall be delivered following a procedure of hearing and fair notice. Raising the doctrine of legitimate expectation, the House of Lords in Council of Civil Service Union v. Minister of Civil Services[14] decided that legitim ate expectations may take birth from a time-honoured past practice or a communication or a promise made by the public body. In the present case, the authority had revoked an established past practice by oral orders. However, the doctrine of legitimate expectation enforces a duty upon public bodies to act judiciously in general, not restricted to circumstances where an individual has to be given a fair chance to make representation. Hereafter, the doctrine levies broad limitations upon administrative bodies to act reasonably and with fairness in the interest of people, regardless of whether law decrees discussion from such people or not.[15] In R v. Secy of State for Home Deptt., Ex. P. Asif Mahmood Khan[16], the court decided that when an authority makes a statement as regards the process that shall be followed, it generates a legitimate expectation amongst the people that the same shall be observed. Hereafter, the authority is under a responsibility to follow the stated procedure. The principle as evolved in England over the course of last three decades has assumed major importance and has been acknowledged by several jurisdictions, including India. However, it is still in a developing stage, where each jurisdiction has restricted its growth taking into consideration their local circumstances. The Indian Courts have recognised the doctrine as a law of land to deter public bodies from an arbitrary exercise of powers. V. Application of the Principle in India The Principle of Legitimate Expectation in India has originated from common law like many other principles. In India, this doctrine has been implemented through the mechanism of judicial review, scrutinizing the actions of public bodies on grounds of fairness. The principle of legitimate expectation was first acknowledged in India in the case of State of Kerela v. K.G Madhavan Pillai[17], where legitimate expectation produced by a sanction order was used to reject a later order on the ground of abu se of natural justice. The resulting application of the principle was in the case of Scheduled Castes and Weaker Section Welfare Association v. State of Karnataka[18]. In this case, the action of an administrative authority formed a rightful expectation in the mind of the public and therefore this resulted in the requirement of a just hearing when the authority acted in a manner to thwart that expectation. Legitimate expectation is generated by the administrative bodies either through an express assurance to the public to act in a certain way or doing certain things or through recognized practice or previous actions which produce expectations in the minds of the public.[19] This principle is applied exclusively in the framework of administrative law, and confers an obligation on the authorities to justify any nonconformity from recognized practices or promise, to limit any arbitrariness in their conduct.[20] A. Nature and Scope of Legitimate Expectation The scope of legitim ate expectation was explored in the case of Navjyoti Coop. Group Housing Society v. Union of India[21]. The case gave the opportunity to the courts to scrutinize any decision made by the administrative authorities, if their decision affected an individualà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s right to enjoy certain benefits which formerly he was allowed to enjoy and rightfully expected to continue to enjoy in the future. The decision made it certain that only a superseding public policy would be able to clarify nonconformity from what has been rightfully expected. This conferred an obligation on the authorities to act reasonably and in the interest of the general public. The overriding of public policy was applied in the judgment of Food Corpn. of India v. Kamdhenu Cattle Feed Industries.[22], to demonstrate nonconformity with the rightful expectation to grant tender to the highest bidder. In the case of Ram Pravesh Singh v. State of Bihar[23], the Court defined what exactly would create an establi shed practice. A consistent, regular, certain and predictable conduct, which differentiates itself from being a casual or irregular conduct, would be considered as a practice which is established and consistent. The practice also has to be reasonable and logical. The idea of expectation was explored in the decision of Union of India v. Hindustan Development Corporation[24], where distinction was made between à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“anticipationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“expectationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , and it was held that any right or desire or mere disappointment did not refer to as expectation. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Expectationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ under the doctrine is in the sense of being à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“justifiably legitimate and protectableà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . And the legitimacy is to be based on the consent of law or an recognized procedure naturally observed. Yet some misunderstanding still exists regarding à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“legitimate expectationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ being considered a right. The case of M.P. Oil Extraction v. State of M.P.[25], held that legitimate expectation in a suitable scenario would comprise of an enforceable right. Nonetheless, Supreme Court made it evident in Ram Pravesh Singh[26], by explicitly discarding the idea of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“legitimate expectationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ being a legal right. The court said that it can only apply in circumstances where an expectation is involved, which is justified and made legitimate by an established past practice or an express promise. Additionally, as per Confederation of Ex-Serviceman Assns v. Union of India[27], the principle only gives an opportunity to a fair hearing and just procedure to be followed only to the person who is expecting. Only such a person is entitled to know the reasons for denial or order by the Court to the authorities to follow the established practice. B. Principle of Legitimate Expectation and Equity The principle is considered to be a part of the principle of equity, as was se en in M.P Oil Extraction case[28], where equitable treatment was given to companies with whom the Government had contracted to supply sal seeds based on the renewal clause within the contract. The principle of equity was further endorsed in the case of Raj Kumar v. Union of India[29], where it was recognized that a person could be debarred of availing of the principle of legitimate expectation based on the conduct of the person himself. In this case, legitimate expectation was opposed based on equity, as the BSF guards tried to gain retiral benefits without validly retiring. In the case of National Buildings Construction Corporation[30], the functional aspect of legitimate expectation was stressed upon and it was said that the situation should be dealt with in a similar manner as if the principle of promissory estoppel was applied. Furthermore, this case along with Punjab Communication v. Union of India[31], laid down an additional criteria where the doctrine of legitimate expect ation cannot be applied. It was established through previous case laws that the only exception to legitimate expectation was public interest. However, now in terms of significant legitimate expectation the action or order of the administrative authority had to go through a test of reasonableness before assessing public interest. If the order or action fulfills the Wednesbury principle of reasonableness, so that the action or order of the authority is not unreasonable or even adverse, the public interest involved in the order can be evaluated. VI. Conclusion From the discussion and analysis of the case laws and authorities above, it becomes clear that the doctrine of legitimate expectation imposes an obligation and duty on the administrative authorities to act fairly and reasonably. The principle owes its origin application to various kinds of situations and is very broad in itself. Hence, it is not feasible to come up with an exhaustive list of actions which will give rise to situations of legitimate expectation. This is because government activities in themselves are vast and expansive and change as time goes by. However, one thing has become certain that courts cannot pretend to have jurisdiction in order to review an administrative act under the cover of legitimate expectation as I would be unfair on the part of the court. It is commonly agreed that legitimate expectation generally allows the person to approach Court and to claim the right of fair representation or hearing in a situation where his rights were affected arbitrarily. The doctrine does not give opportunity to claim remedy at once from the administrative authorities as no clear right as such is directly involved. Consequently, even if the safeguard is guaranteed based on legitimate expectation, it does not guarantee total relief to the person. The appeal of legitimate expectation still remains a very feeble appeal in Indian Administrative Law. A right to benefit based on legitimate e xpectation is negative by the courts more often than is known. In a situation of confusion over the idea of legitimate expectation what needs to be cleared is that the concept envisions not only à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“expectationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ but à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“legitimate expectationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ meaning which there is something super-imposed to à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“expectationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ - a certain kind of promise or assurance by the administrative authorities or the fact that the expectation was established by some long-standing practice. The concept is embedded more in the principles of equity than in legal rules. Bibliography I. Books: SP Sathe, Administrative Law (seventh edition), Lexis Nexis (2010) MP Jain and SN Jain, Principles of Administrative Law (sixth edition) Lexis Nexis (2013) IP Massey, Administrative Law, Eastern Book Company (2001) II. Articles Lord Denning, Recent development in the Doctrine of consideration, Modern Law Review, Vol. 15, 1956. Sushant Rochlan, Doctrine of Legitimate Expectation, January 21, 2011, available at [Last seen on 14th February, 2015] III. Case Laws Schmidt v. Secy of Stare for Home Affairs (1969) 2 WLR 337 R. Clerk, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“In pursuit of Fair Justiceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ AIR 1996 (J) 11 Council of Civil Service Union v. Minister for Civil Service, (1983) UKHL 6 National Buildings Construction Corporation v S. Raghunathan , (1998) 7 SCC 66. Breen v. Amalgamated Engg. Union , (1971) 2 QB 175 Attorney General of Hongkong v. Ng Yuen Shiu , (1983) 2 AC 629 Council of Civil Service Union v. Minister of Civil Services , 1985 AC 374 R v Secy of State for Home department, Ex. P. Ruddock, (1987) 1 WLR 1482 R v. Secy of State for Home Deptt., Ex. P. Asif Mahmood Khan , (1984) I WLR 1337 State of Kerela v. K.G Madhavan Pillai , AIR 1989 SC 49 Scheduled Castes and Weaker Section Welfare Association v. State of Karnataka , [1991]2 SCC 60 Navjyoti Coop. Group Housing Society v. Union of India , (1992) 4 SCC 477. Food Corpn. of India v. Kamdhenu Cattle Feed Industries (1993) 1 SCC 71. Ram Pravesh Singh v. State of Bihar , 1999 (1) BLJR 625 Union of India v. Hindustan Development Corporation , (1993) 3 SCC 499 M.P. Oil Extraction v. State of M.P (1997) 7 SCC 592. Confederation of Ex-Serviceman Assns v. Union of India , (2006) 8 SCC 399 M.P Oil Extraction case ,1990 (0) MPLJ 675 Raj Kumar v. Union of India , 1969 AIR 180 National Buildings Construction Corporation case , 72 (1998) DLT 121 Punjab Communication v. Union of India , (1999) 4 SCC 727 1 [1] Lord Denning, Recent development in the Doctrine of consideration, Modern Law Review, Vol. 15, 1956. [2] See, Schmidt v. Secy of Stare for Home Affairs (1969) 2 WLR 337 [3] R. Clerk, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“In pursuit of Fair Justiceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ AIR 1996 (J) 11 [4] SP Sathe, Administrative Law (seventh edition), Lexis Nexis (2010) [5] MP Jain and SN Jain, Principles of Administrative Law (sixth edition) Lexis Nexis (2013) [6] Id. [7] Council of Civil Service Union v. Minister for Civil Service, (1983) UKHL 6 [8] National Buildings Construction Corporation v S. Raghunathan , (1998) 7 SCC 66. [9] Sushant Rochlan, Doctrine of Legitimate Expectation, January 21, 2011, available at [Last seen on 14th February, 2015] [10] Id. [11] Schmidt case, Supra n. 1 [12] Breen v. Amalgamated Engg. Union , (1971) 2 QB 175 [13] Attorney General of Hongkong v. Ng Yuen Shiu , (1983) 2 AC 629 [14] Council of Civil Service Union v. Minister of Civil Services , 1985 AC 374 [15]R v Secy of State for Home department, Ex. P. Ruddock, (1987) 1 WLR 1482 [16] R v. Secy of State for Home Deptt., Ex. P. Asif Mahmood Khan , (1984) I WLR 1337 [17] State of Kerela v. K.G Madhavan Pillai , AIR 1989 SC 49 [18] Scheduled Castes and Weaker Section Welfare Association v. State of Karnataka , [1991]2 SCC 604 [19] IP Massey, Administrative Law, Eastern Book Company (2001) [20] Id. [21] Navjyoti Coop. Group Housing Society v. Union of India , (1992) 4 SCC 477. [22] Food Corpn. of India v. Kamdhenu Cattle Feed Industries (1993) 1 SCC 71. [23] Ram Pravesh Singh v. State of Bihar , 1999 (1) BLJR 625 [24] Union of India v. Hindustan Development Corporation , (1993) 3 SCC 499 [25] M.P. Oil Extraction v. State of M.P (1997) 7 SCC 592. [26] Supra 22 [27] Confederation of Ex-Serviceman Assns v. Union of India , (2006) 8 SCC 399 [28] M.P Oil Extraction case ,1990 (0) MPLJ 675 [29] Raj Kumar v. Union of India , 1969 AIR 180 [30] National Buildings Construction Corporation case , 72 (1998) DLT 121 [31] Punjab Communication v. Union of India , (1999) 4 SCC 727
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Analysis of South Africa Essay - 1329 Words
Introduction The country selected is South Africa. It is the country of choice because I want to visit the African Continent someday. I am also part African American and want to learn more about the African culture. Location/Geography South Africa is located on the southern tip of Africa. The country has a coastline along the Atlantic and Indian oceans, which makes the country known for its fishery. There are several African countries that border South Africa. The countries include Lesotho, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Swaziland (Republic of South Africa, 2013, geography and climate). The climate of South Africa is subtropical and consists of grasslands, forests, deserts, mountain, beaches, and coastal wetlands (Republic†¦show more content†¦Economy In 2011, South Africa’s gross national income per capita was 10,710 U.S currencies. The country spent a total expenditure on health per capita of 942 U.S dollars in the year 2011. The total expenditure on health of gross domestic product was 8.5% (WHO, 2013). The United States exports 7.3 billion U.S. dollars’ of goods to South Africa in 2011. The top exports included vehicles, gold, oil, electrical machinery, wheat, dairy product s, poultry meat, and vegetable oil. South Africa exported 9.5 billion U.S. dollars’ worth of products to the United States. Some of the top categories of the U.S. imports were platinum, diamonds, iron and steel, fresh fruit, tree nuts, and wine and beer (USTR, 2013). State of Health Disease is one of the primary concerns in South Africa today. The distribution of disease can be divided into three categories. Communicable disease accounts for 60.5%, non-intentional injuries 11.2% and non-communicable for 28.4% of the distribution of disease (WHO, 2010, South Africa: health statistics profile 2010). 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
How Has Attachment Theory Been Used to Account for Differences in the Development of Social Relationships free essay sample
This assignment considers the answers to many fundamental questions. For example: What is it that differentiates the way in which individuals conduct social relationships; Why does one person behave differently to another; Is it fair to suggest that development through childhood plays a role in this; Is there a theory that can account for these differences? One theory that has attempted to address some of these questions is attachment theory. This assignment will therefore look at attachment theory from its beginnings and the key figures that are involved in shaping the theory. It will attempt to analyse any contradictions of the theory and look at the way in which attachment theory may influence a child’s development and behaviours, development through to adulthood and the ability for adults to conduct social relationships. Attachment theory is a psychological theory which investigates the bond between individuals; it in effect refers primarily to the relationship and bond between a baby and their primary caregiver. We will write a custom essay sample on How Has Attachment Theory Been Used to Account for Differences in the Development of Social Relationships? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Early attachment research was conducted through experiments with animals. Dependency on a presence of another being as an infant is essential to survival within all species. As Psychoanalyst Winnicott (1964: p. 88) observed â€Å"there is no such thing as a baby†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦if you set out to describe a baby, you will find you are describing a baby and someone. A baby cannot exist alone, but is essentially part of a relationship†. This occurrence of dependency is not unique to human beings. Harlow (1958) conducted studies with macaque monkeys which observed infant monkeys separated from their birth mothers who had then been reared in isolation cages. After placing objects in the cages, in the form of a wire mesh cone which had a n attachment of a food source and a cloth cone, it was observed that â€Å"the infant monkeys overwhelmingly preferred to cling to the cloth mother†¦.. in spite of the fact that the only the wire mother was their source of food†(Oates, Lewis et al. p. 19). The results of the studies conducted contradicted the behaviourist framework. In summary, the behaviourist framework would suggest that the monkey should form the bond or attachment with the object which provides food, where the food is the primary reinforcer and the object the secondary reinforcer. Influenced by Harlows’ work, Bowlby (1969, p. 194) considered the importance of an infants’ relationship with its primary caregiver. This perspective therefore led him to become a founder of attachment theory. Bowlby (1969) defined attachment as a â€Å"lasting psychological connectedness between human beings†. Bowlby (1969) in essence believed that attachment styles were developed during childhood predominantly through the relationship between the child and the primary caregiver and that these attachment styles would influence the individual throughout adulthood. Bowlby (1969) did not believe that only one attachment could be formed or indeed that a single attachment could be described to be the most beneficial. Instead he suggested that objects could be used and be helpful in aiding development of individuals. According to attachment theory, throughout childhood and after repeated experiences, a system of thoughts, memories, beliefs, emotions, expectations and behaviours of oneself and others are formed, thus an Internal Working Model (IWM) was developed. IWM helps â€Å"individuals predict and understand their environment, engage in survival promoting behaviors such as proximity maintenance, and establish a psychological sense of felt security†(Bretherton, 1985; Sroufe Waters, 1977). Bowlby (1969) has been somewhat criticised by some for his work with attachment theory and there are arguments for and against this work. It is suggested that there was political motivation behind Bowlby’s (1969) initial research and a motivation to drive mothers back to being the primary caregiver. An additional factor to consider is that Bowlby (1969) suggests that the initiation for the need of attachment comes from the child. It could be argued however, that if this were the case, would parents ever leave their children alone? However, there is further research that supports this attachment theory such as discussed earlier where it has been shown that there are strong links between primary caregivers and other species. In addition, studies such as the strange situations study have shown that young children can find separation from their primary caregiver as threatening. The strange situations study considered identifying infant attachment types through controlled observation of infants. Another influential theorist in attachment was Ainsworth et. l (1978). She developed the notion of ‘strange situation’, to incorporate an observational study developed to measure the type of attachment that a child had formed. The children observed were aged between 12-18 months and the study consisted of eight episodes. The episodes were as follows: †¢ Mother (or primary caregiver) enters room with child, child explores and settles at which point stranger enters †¢ Stranger talks to mother and then subsequently talks or plays with child †¢ Mother leaves the room Stranger stays and attempts to interact with child †¢ Mother returns and the stranger leaves. †¢ Mother leaves again †¢ Stranger returns and continues to attempt to interact with child †¢ Mother returns and stranger leaves. (Oates, Lewis et al, 2005) From the results of the observation, Ainsworth concluded that there were three main types of classifications of infants.
Monday, April 6, 2020
Medical terminology errors
Introduction Medical terminology errors are a key instrumental tool to many hospital mistakes which affect the health of people and can even lead to loss of lives. More than 400,000 people die every year in America. The deaths are caused by a number of reasons of which the medical errors are inclusive. Using of medical terms that are similar and wrong abbreviations are some of the medical terminology errors.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Medical terminology errors specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Learning medical terminology is not that easy. It can be equated with learning new that is not easy to grasp. In most cases, the use of incorrect medical terminology is inevitable to many users (Bardelli, para. 1). Errors in the use of medical terminologies can be attributed to the construction of the medical terms. Notably, these terms have a root word and a prefix. In some instances, the term may include t wo prefixes. Some of the prefixes used include Epi. This refers to â€Å"above†. The other one is Hypo, which refers to â€Å"below†. Endo is a preface that refers to â€Å"inside†. These prefixes are used with the word â€Å"gastric†to refer to various parts of the stomach. Any confusion in these terminologies can lead to incorrect medical prescription. This is very risky as in, if the medical health care worker writes down that the surgery is to be performed epigastric instead of hypogastric it means that the patient will be attended wrongly by receiving a surgery on the wrong part of the stomach (Bardelli, para. 2). While charting, nurses write down the problems with a care plan for residents, descriptions of interventions in the care plan noting if they are effective and the progress made by the resident which is a care plan’s goal oriented. Errors made in charting are not erasable and cannot be corrected. Various aspects such as incorrect med ical terms, misspelling, wrong abbreviations and other mistakes related to medical terminology are very common. This language of medical terminology may also be confusing when two words, which have a completely different meaning, appear and sound the same. Such words include dysphasia and dysphagia. These two words and the other words that resemble them may lead to confusions in medication hence a threat to the health of patients (Bardelli, para. 3). Using wrong medical abbreviations The use of abbreviations is sometimes vital as it breaks the lengthy terms of medical terminology hence making the work of doctors and nurse easier and quick.Advertising Looking for critical writing on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In most cases, abbreviations are very instrumental for many mistakes made in healthcare centers. They cause dangerous misinterpretations. Ambiguous abbreviations should not be used especially when th ere is a better alternative. For example, AD means right ear, and AU means both ears. A slight confusion may lead to performing an operation or procedure on the wrong side of the body (Bardelli, para. 4). Wrong abbreviations may also lead to wrong prescriptions, which may include; Wrong prescriptions may include; wrong dosages, lack of instructions and poor monitoring of patients in consuming dangerous drugs. A prescription is required by doctors and nurses. There are incidences in which wrong prescriptions have been given by doctors due to errors while writing the medical terminologies. Conclusion It is advisable for one to ask questions while receiving or giving medication, especially when it is time for surgery. Not only by using a policy that rejects the use of words, misspells, abbreviations and other errors, enhancement of proper information dissemination and health care education should be encouraged to the health care workers. Works Cited Bardelli, Rebecca. Does Medical Term inology Contribute to Hospital Mistakes? 2011. Web. This critical writing on Medical terminology errors was written and submitted by user Lea Rollins to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Johnny Cash’s Drug Addition And The Effects It Had On His Family Essays
Johnny Cash’s Drug Addition And The Effects It Had On His Family Essays Johnny Cash’s Drug Addition And The Effects It Had On His Family Paper Johnny Cash’s Drug Addition And The Effects It Had On His Family Paper In Johnny Cash’s book, Cash, he describes his addition to prescription pills. It was scary to read that his addition started at such a young age, with the morphine he was given to relieve pain. His trail of thoughts ended up in thinking that this is the best thing ever. My reaction to this is rather sad and confused. Not everyone who takes morphine for pain sinks into this trail of thought. I am left wondering if this was just something in his mind, something that made him think it was more pleasurable than other people. That frame of mind seems to be what lead to the addiction. Johnny Cash seem to be ok with what he was doing, not realizing the damages he had on his family. He’d neglect his daughters and then his wife. He was being so rude just doing whatever he wanted and not really listening to those that cared for him the most. I kept thinking, if you weren’t even going to listen to the people who care about you the most, whom would he ever listen to? It would be hard to try to tell someone not to do something to himself, and just see him doing it anyway. As the time went on, it seemed that Johnny Cash didn’t realize how self-destructive he was. He wouldn’t listen to those around him and assumed he could handle it, he basically showed some weak character traits based on how he would ignore or excuse his behavior. I was amazed he could so smugly just walk away from a fire just to go fishing, not even bothering trying to put it out or tell anyone so they could put it out. He just let it all burn away without caring, and pathetically didn’t care. His family suffered with a lack of Johnny Cash being around. They wanted his attention and he ignored those pleas. I felt worried through the story or them, like I expected him to eventually listen to them. They worried and tried hard to stick by him, even when he was pushing them away. It seemed like he didn’t care. The pills were more important. It didn’t seem like he was in control at all of his emotions or had any control over how many he took. It was this destructive attitude that hurt the most to his family and caused some lasting damages. As the story progressed, and he did more dangerous things and kept getting wilder, it became clear how out of control he was. His attitude toward life and those around him were sickening. With so many people watching him, one would assume he would change his mind about what he was doing. It started to sound like it wasn’t fun any more to him to take the pills, but he kept doing it, which is rather confusing. It really seemed like it was his own inner spiritual awakening, which it was inside himself that was what he needed to see what he was doing. I think it proved the only real way to beat addition is something inside you. The outside influence of his family helped in the long run in a minor way, but it took a lot to shake the idea of what he was doing was ok. So it was some switch inside of people that might be what changes people. The destruction he did to his family is scary, though, and something no one should go through. Johnny Cash’s addiction deeply impacted his family and nearly destroyed the relationships he had created with them. To do that to your family just shows you wouldn’t care about them at all, and think about yourself the most. References Carr, P. , Cash, J. (1998) Cash: The Autobiography. 1998. HarperCollins.
Friday, February 21, 2020
The Holocaust and Los Desaparecidos Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Holocaust and Los Desaparecidos - Essay Example In the case of Hitler, it is clear that he was responsible for the Holocaust. However, it is difficult to name the culprit for Los Desaparecidos because there are several people involved. Politically, Leopoldo Galtieri was the last president of Argentina during 1981-82 when Los Desaparecidos was active. This was the time when he ill-advisedly annexed the Falkland Islands and resigned subsequently when the British retook Falkland Islands through military action. However, he supported the coup to overthrow Isabel Peron in 1976, and steadily rose up in the military ranks ultimately becoming the Commander-in-Chief (Leopoldo Galtieri). Hitler was responsible for the extermination of six million Jews, an unparalleled action in history. He caused the deaths and mayhem of millions more in Germany and in the rest of the world. Los Desaparecidos may not equal Hitler in this regard. But Argentina had its share of horrors involving thousands of left-wing dissidents in the "dirty war" as the 1976-83 conflict came to be known. Hitler was repressive with his own people. Thousands disappeared in Argentina between 1976 and 1982. Some quote the figure as up to 30,000 people who disappeared. What happened to them There are chilling accounts of young dissidents being thrown from helicopters into rivers Certainly there are glaring differe... What happened to them There are chilling accounts of young dissidents being thrown from helicopters into rivers Certainly there are glaring differences. Hitler set the stage to conquer Europe. The dictator who ruled Argentina then, Leopoldo Galtieri, tried similar tactic when he closed the borders with Chile over a dispute involving two islands below the southern tip of South America, and annexed the Falklands Islands from the British Adolf Hitler was born on April 20th 1889 in Braunau-am-Inn, Austria. Leopoldo Galtieri was born into a working class family of Italian immigrants in Buenos Aires in 1926. Hitler served in the German army during the First World War. Galtieri was not born when World War I was fought. Hitler conquered Poland, Austria, Belgium, France, and Holland in quick succession. Galtieri had no such vision. He only closed the doors on Chile over two disputed islands (Isobel Hilton). Galtieri's military was not advanced enough for conquests. The Falkland War exposed the wide chinks in the Argentine army's armor. Hitler grew up with a poor record at school and left, before completing his tuition, with an ambition to become an artist. He continued to have troubled times as a youth and grew up hating the Jews, the Marxists, liberalism and the cosmopolitan Habsburg monarchy. Believing that fate had chosen him to avenge the humiliation of defeat by Germany in World War I, he founded the Nazi party and single-mindedly rose through its ranks using intrigue and fascinating promises to his countrymen to become the Chancellor of Germany (Adolf Hitler). Galtieri joined the Argentine military academy at 17 and graduated as an officer in 1949 from the United States School of the Americas in Panama. He drew praises from United States
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Landmark Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Landmark - Case Study Example The difficulty of this issue is illustrated in the aforementioned case where Article 3 of the HRA was invoked. According to Article 3 of the HRA, "[s]o far as possible to do so, primary legislations and secondary legislation should be read and given effect in a way which is compatible with Convention rights" (HRA 1998, Art 3), referring to the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. By virtue of this provision, the conventional manner that statutory interpretation under the act, is therefore challenged, such that instead of giving effect to the intention of the legislators, which enacted particular statutes; statutory interpretation must now proceed in a manner that gives effect to the original intent of those who crafted the HRA provision. This shift away from the conventional procedure, therefore leads judges to stray in the grey area between judicial interpretation and law making, which endangers them of judicial vandalism and usurpation Parliament's will. ... In Ghaidan v Godin-Mendoza [2004], the House of Lords dismissed an appeal by Ahmad Ghaidan to overturn a previous decision of the Court of Appeal; which named Juan Godin-Mendoza as successor to the tenancy of the flat Godin-Mendoza lived in until the death of his partner of the same sex by interpreting the words "as his or her wife or husband" under the Rent Act 1977 to mean "as if they were his wife or husband" by virtue of Art 3 of the HRA (Ghaidan v Godin-Mendoza [2004], para. 51). The decision to dismiss the appeal was arrived at, by virtue of the judges' interpretation of Article 3 of the HRA, which was deemed appropriate in this case, with one dissenting opinion from Lord Millet (para. 102). Based on the given case, Lord Nicholls (para. 4) identified the relevant statutory provisions as paragraphs 2 and 3 of schedule 1 to the Rent Act 1977: 21. The surviving spouse (if any) of the original tenant, if residing in the dwelling-house immediately before the death of the original tenant, shall after the death be the statutory tenant if and so long as he or she occupies the dwelling-house as his or her residence. 22. For the purposes of this paragraph, a person who was living with the original tenant as his or her wife or husband shall be treated as the spouse of the original tenant. 31. Where paragraph 2 above does not apply, but a person who was a member of the original tenant's family was residing with him in the dwelling-house at the time of and for the period of 2 years immediately before his death then, after his death, that person or if there is more than one such person such one of them as may be decided by agreement, or in default of agreement by
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Types of Grafts in Dentistry
Types of Grafts in Dentistry TYPES OF GRAFTS: Osseointegrated implants can be combined with the following types of graft: inlay, saddle, veneer, onlay (partial or full arch), and maxillary sinus grafts. (Triplett Schow, 1996) The mucoperiosteal flap should be designed to adequately expose the underlying residual ridge, maintain a broad base for vascular support, and allow tension-free primary closure. A midcrestal incision is usually preferred because it maximizes the vascularity to the margins of the mucoperiosteal flaps and minimizes ischemia created by the vasculature traversing dense, keratinized tissue at the crest of the ridge. Labial vertical releasing incisions are made as needed to improve access. All grafts must be well adapted to the recipient site with no or minimal space betveenbetween graft and residual bone. Hence, usually graft shaping and adaptation is unavoidable. The gGraft is positioned to its best adaptation to the underlying alveolus. A good fixation with titanium screws must be achieved to prevent the graft movement. Any movement of the graft increases the chance of soft tissues ingrowth between the graft and the recipient site, and thus the failure of the graft is likely. All voids or defects should be filled with particulate cancellous bone and marrow to provide good contour and eliminate dead space. A primary, tension-free closure must be achieved to prevent wound breakdown and graft exposure. A barrier membrane and filler graft may be used, if desired. Inlay Grafts Small osseous defects at the alveolar crest can be inlaid with an autologous graft to restore the contour and volume of bone necessary to place an the implant and allow for a proper emergence profile. The defect is usually exposed through a crestal incision that is extended around the necks of one or two adjacent teeth on either side of the defect. A vertical releasing incision is made if necessary. A barrier membrane may be used to protect these areas during healing. Saddle Graft Indicated where both horizontal and vertical ridge augmentation[S1], this type of graft is also of considerable value. Aautogenous bone stabilized with rigid fixation to restore anatomic height and width is an excellent solution to this problem. A saddle of bone is obtained from the anterior-inferior border of the mandible (ipsilateral site) and secured in position from the buccal or crestal aspect with 1.5mm titanium screws with a minimum of 2 screws to achieve stable graft fixation. Veneer Graft A veneer graft is preferred where there is only a horizontal bone defect of less than 4 mm. T Onlay Graft The design of onlay grafts can be segmental or arch in shape. Both the height and width of an atrophic ridge can be achieved with onlay grafts. Following Iindications include the following[S2]: inadequate residual alveolar ridge height and width to support a functional prosthesis, contour defects that compromise implant support, function, or aesthetics, and segmental alveolar bone loss. - Procedures aimed at increasing the volume of attached mucosa (free soft tissue grafts, pedicle soft tissue grafts, and surgical extension of the vestibulum) have been recommended in areas of movable mucosa. 75,77,102–111 [S3](Esposito, Hirsch, Lekholm, Thomsen, 1999) There wasIt has also been also stated that cancellous grafts are more successful because of cortical plate (â€Å"Buchman 1999 Cancelous Bone stucture.pdf,†n.d.) Results: A pPositive correlation outcome was found between age and missing teeth found in both groups A and B in the applied multiple regression analysis (SPSS) Group A analysis for correlation between the patients age and number of teeth missing outcome: Correlations Patients age Number of Teeth Patients age Pearson Correlation 1 .326** Sig. (2-tailed) .000 N 120 111 Number of Teeth Pearson Correlation .326** 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .000 N 111 111 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Group B outcome: Correlations Patients age Number of Teeth Patients age Pearson Correlation 1 .465** Sig. (2-tailed) .004 N 41 37 Number of Teeth Pearson Correlation .465** 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .004 N 37 37 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). A pPositive correlation was found between age and bone volume harvested in Group A. However, the correlation in Group B was non significant. Group A multiple regression analysis output: Correlations Patients age Bone graft volume Patients age Pearson Correlation 1 .244** Sig. (2-tailed) .007 N 120 120 Bone graft volume Pearson Correlation .244** 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .007 N 120 120 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Group B SPSS multiple regression analysis output: Correlations Patients age Bone graft volume Patients age Pearson Correlation 1 .203 Sig. (2-tailed) .203 N 41 41 Bone graft volume Pearson Correlation .203 1 Sig. (2-tailed) .203 N 41 41 The distribution for harvested overall bone volumes was found to be normal in both groups A and B and a significant correlation was found between clinitianclinician A and clinitianclinician B and their harvested bone volumes. Distribution analysis output. Histogram: Multiple regression analysis output for ClinitianClinician A ANOVAa Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression 9317266.326 1 9317266.326 31.994 .000b Residual 42518278.360 146 291221.085 Total 51835544.685 147 2 Regression 16022829.759 2 8011414.879 32.437 .000c Residual 35812714.927 145 246984.241 Total 51835544.685 147 a. Dependent Variable: Bone graft volume b. Predictors: (Constant), Number of Teeth c. Predictors: (Constant), Number of Teeth, Procedure Performer Association between a patient’s gender and performed clinicians A ands B found to be not statistically significant applying SPSS multiple regression analysis. The SPSS output for multiple regression analysis: Group Statistics Procedure Performer N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean Patients age AP 41 38.85 11.599 1.811 SG 120 39.05 11.876 1.084 Case Processing Summary Cases Valid Missing Total N Percent N Percent N Percent Procedure Performer * Patients Gender 161 100.0% 0 0.0% 161 100.0% Procedure Performer * Patients Gender Cross tabulation Patients Gender Total Male Female Procedure Performer AP Count 8 33 41 Expected Count 10.7 30.3 41.0 SG Count 34 86 120 Expected Count 31.3 88.7 120.0 Total Count 42 119 161 Expected Count 42.0 119.0 161.0 Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) Exact Sig. (2-sided) Exact Sig. (1-sided) Pearson Chi-Square 1.233a 1 .267 Continuity Correctionb .818 1 .366 Likelihood Ratio 1.286 1 .257 Fishers Exact Test .309 .184 Linear-by-Linear Association 1.226 1 .268 N of Valid Cases 161 a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 10.70. b. Computed only for a 22 table The Aassociation between a patient’s age and clinitiansclinicians A and B was also not statistically significant (â€Å"Reszults,†n.d.). P value was more than 0.05. So the hypothesis that there is no difference between patientspatient’s age and performed clinitianclinician A and B harvested bone volumes can not be rejected the hypothesis. Nominal variables (number of teeth) were not equally distributed. So, a nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis Test was applied to test the hypothesishypostasis that there wasis no difference between the number of teeth missing and harvested bone volumes in group A and B. The hypothesis washypostasis rejected in Group A because the P value was less than 0.05. However, there was no difference in a Ggroup B (p value more than 0.05) Number of teeth and harvested bone volumes distribution for Group A Kruskal-Wallis hypothesis testing output: Ranks Number of Teeth N Mean Rank Bone graft volume One tooth 22 40.95 Two teeth 38 43.41 Three teeth 30 68.45 Four and more teeth 21 76.76 Total 111 Test Statisticsa,b Bone graft volume Chi-Square 23.851 df 3 Asymp. Sig. .000 a. Kruskal Wallis Test b. Grouping Variable: Number of Teeth SPSS output for Kruskal-Wallis Test Group B: Ranks Number of Teeth N Mean Rank Bone graft volume One tooth 11 14.59 Two teeth 11 19.45 Three teeth 11 20.27 Four and more teeth 4 26.38 Total 37 Test Statisticsa,b Bone graft volume Chi-Square 3.855 df 3 Asymp. Sig. .278 a. Kruskal Wallis Test b. Grouping Variable: Number of Teeth A bone volume’s distribution was tested by drawing a histogram to determent determine a parametric or non parametric test was needed to applyin order to test the hypothesis[S4]. The data was not equally distributed in both groups A and B. Hence, the non parametric Mann-Whitney test was applied to test the null hypothesis of if whether there is was no any difference in harvested bone volumes and the performance of theed clinicians. The P value was less than 0.05, so the null hypothesis was rejected and there is was a significant difference between cclinician A’s and clinician’s B performances. ClinitianClinician A and B harvested bone volumes distributions: Descriptive Statistics N Mean Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum Bone graft volume 161 1121.5017 622.04168 80.00 3380.00 Procedure Performer 161 1.75 .437 1 2 SPSS output Mann-Whitney Test Ranks Procedure Performer N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks Bone graft volume AP 41 46.89 1922.50 SG 120 92.65 11118.50 Total 161 Test Statisticsa Bone graft volume Mann-Whitney U 1061.500 Wilcoxon W 1922.500 Z -5.427 Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .000 a. Grouping Variable: Procedure Performer Conclusions: A mandibular ramus donor site can provide sufficient autologous bone volume to restore dentoalveolar defects prior to dental implantation. PThe positive correlations were found between a patient’s age and missing teeth, between clinicians A and B and their harvested bone volumes, and between harvested bone volume and a patient’s age in a group A but this was not significant in Group B., Bbetween a patient’s age and gender in both groups A and B there was no significant correlation based on the multiple regression analysis outcome SPSS. To conclude, with thean increasinge in age there were a higher number of teeth missing in both groups A and B. Although, the diameter of bone reconstruction were was greater because of a more missing teeth, the harvested volumes were greater only in the Group A harvested by cClinician A (pis was a significant difference between clinicians A and B and their harvested bone graft volumes in Group A and B (pthe person who operatesor. In aAdditionally to mandibular, ascending ramus bone can be harvested at intraoral sites and can be considered incrementally to the performed procedure, [S5]such as the contralateral ramus site, chin, and maxillary tuberosity, where when greater bone volumes are required. Moreover, the bone materials can be also added too, increase the further if the bone volume is yet not yet sufficient. And finally, based on the literature review findings, the majority of iliac crest bone graft can be successfully replaced with ascending ramus bone grafts as the studies revealed that the harvested bone grafts are not significantly greater. The outcome of implant therapy has been summarized in several recent reviews (Cochran 1996, Esposito et al. 1998, Fritz 1996, Fiorellini et al. 1998, Gotfredsen 1999, Mericske-Stern 1999, Van Steenberge et al. 1999) and evaluations are often reported in success and survival rates. The interpretation of the results, however, relies on the concept that different investigators use similar criteria for implant success and survival. Variations in study design and study period, and an improper definition of the selection of patients are factors that may further affect the interpretation of the data. First, autologous bone grafts of various types to different locations can be successfully used to improve the ability to place endosseous implants. Complications that lead to failure can be minimized with experience and adherence to the basic surgical principles of rigid fixation and tension-free primary closure of the soft tissue flaps. Second, most of the grafting failures are associated with infection or exposure of the graft to the oral cavity because of mucosal flap dehiscence. Early loading of grafts with a transitional prosthesis is also a potential cause of graft compromise or failure. Third, the successful placement of endosseous implants in autologous grafts is more predictable when they are placed secondarily after bone graft consolidation; and. fFourth, whether placed immediately with the bone graft, or secondarily, failure of individual implants does not imply failure of the bone graft. Frenuloplasty, Frenectomy, Vestibuloplasty Technique (Liposky, 1983) oOr Mandibular Anterior Ridge Extension: Modification of the Kazanjian (Al-Mahdy Al-Belasy, 1997), Vestibule and floor-of-mouth extension procedures, Soft-tissue grafts (full thickness or connective) Although COHRANE stated that autologous is not in favour, this statement needs to be taken considered very carefulycarefully because the outcome does not measure all aspects in convensionalconventional terms of success. As stated before, a simple implants survival is no longer a single preferable outcome today. Cohrane agrees that there is littleare few randomized controlled trials and for most that are conducted today are at a high risk of bias remains. Further more, bone augmentation, such as synteticsynthetic bone materials, provide a poorer outcome rather thaen animal retrieved bone materials. However, because of culture cultural or religious reasons animal products may not be accepted for a certain groups of patient and therefore autologous bone grafts are then isremain a single oaption to augment the alveolar crest defects. AeEsthetics and harmony in dental implant placement was well described by Belser et al., 1998. Buccal bone thickness has toshould be a minimum of 2mm and ideally 3mm from the implant buccal surface. 1 [S1]Not sure about this. Does it relate to the heading i.e. ‘Saddle graft is Indicated where both horizontal and vertical ridge augmentation†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ [S2]Please check I haven’t changed the meaning [S3]Are these page numbers? Should it be (Esposito, Hirsch, Lekholm, Thomsen, 1999 75,77, 102–111) [S4]Please check à ¯Ã‚ Ã… [S5]Please check this one. I’ve read it many times and am a little confused à ¯Ã‚ Ã…
Monday, January 20, 2020
A Comparison of Moods in Beowulf and Samuel Becketts Waiting for Godot :: comparison compare contrast essays
Moods in Beowulf and Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot              Reading a work of literature often makes a reader experience certain feelings. These feeling differ with the content of the work, and are usually needed to perceive the author's ideas in the work. For example, Samuel Beckett augments a reader's understanding of Waiting For Godot by conveying a mood, (one which the characters in the play experience), to the reader. Similarly, a dominant mood is thrust upon a reader in Beowulf. These moods which are conveyed aid the author in conveying ideas to a reader.     In Waiting for Godot, Beckett uses many pauses, silences, and ellipses (three dots (...) used to create a break in speech) to express a feeling of waiting and unsureness. There is a twofold purpose behind this technique. For one, it shows that Vladimir and Estragon, the two main characters who are waiting for Godot, are unsure of why they are waiting for him. This also foreshadows that they will be waiting a very long time.     In some cases in literature, an idea can only be conveyed properly if those on the receiving end of the idea are able to experience the feelings that a character is experiencing in the work. For example, in order for a reader to feel how and understand why Vladimir and Estragon feel as though they do while they wait, it is essential for that reader to either understand or experience the same feelings that Vladimir and Estragon are experiencing. Vladimir and Estragon are waiting; waiting for Godot, to be exact; and Beckett wants the reader to feel as if he or she were waiting also. Along with the feeling of waiting that a reader may experience, he or she might also understand how Vladimir and Estragon feel at times: Unsure, not very anxious to move on, and constantly having to wait. A feeling of timelessness is even evoked, allowing almost anyone from nearly any time to understand Vladimir and Estragon's predicament.     Many times people may feel overwhelmed by a higher force unalterable to them. This force may control something such as their fate. In the Anglo-Saxon culture, a popular belief was that of fate. The writers of Beowulf may have known that not all people believe in the power of fate. Therefore, to properly convey such an idea as the inevitability of fate in the epic, the writers included events which, when read, are also "experienced" by the reader.
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