Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Analysis of South Africa Essay - 1329 Words
Introduction The country selected is South Africa. It is the country of choice because I want to visit the African Continent someday. I am also part African American and want to learn more about the African culture. Location/Geography South Africa is located on the southern tip of Africa. The country has a coastline along the Atlantic and Indian oceans, which makes the country known for its fishery. There are several African countries that border South Africa. The countries include Lesotho, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Swaziland (Republic of South Africa, 2013, geography and climate). The climate of South Africa is subtropical and consists of grasslands, forests, deserts, mountain, beaches, and coastal wetlands (Republic†¦show more content†¦Economy In 2011, South Africa’s gross national income per capita was 10,710 U.S currencies. The country spent a total expenditure on health per capita of 942 U.S dollars in the year 2011. The total expenditure on health of gross domestic product was 8.5% (WHO, 2013). The United States exports 7.3 billion U.S. dollars’ of goods to South Africa in 2011. The top exports included vehicles, gold, oil, electrical machinery, wheat, dairy product s, poultry meat, and vegetable oil. South Africa exported 9.5 billion U.S. dollars’ worth of products to the United States. Some of the top categories of the U.S. imports were platinum, diamonds, iron and steel, fresh fruit, tree nuts, and wine and beer (USTR, 2013). State of Health Disease is one of the primary concerns in South Africa today. The distribution of disease can be divided into three categories. Communicable disease accounts for 60.5%, non-intentional injuries 11.2% and non-communicable for 28.4% of the distribution of disease (WHO, 2010, South Africa: health statistics profile 2010). The leading causes of disease in South Africa are human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), tuberculosis, violence, and road accidents (WHO, 2010, health statistics profile 2010).HIV/AIDS has the highest cause of disease by accounting for 40.7% of the diseased population. Tuberculosis follows afterwards with 5.4%, violence at 4.8%, and road traffic accident at 2.6% (WHO, 2010, healthShow MoreRelatedSouth Africa Pest Analysis1602 Words  | 7 PagesSOUTH AFRICA HISTORY In the history of South Africa, the earliest known settlers of the country were the San and Khoekhoe people, collectively known as Khoisan. They were two distinct cultural groups. The first Europeans to arrive in South Africa were the Portuguese Seafarers who initiated the sea route to India in 1488. 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